

About me

I am interested in the relationship between development and evolution in the generation of organismal form and in its theoretical conceptualization. My research covers many different fields, including developmental imaging, limb development, phenotypic novelty, evo-devo theory, evolutionary theory and the history of biology.


Nuno de la Rosa L., Müller G.B. (eds) Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide. Springer, Cham

Müller G.B. and E. Abouheif. Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Müller G.B. (ed.) 2017. Vivarium. Experimental, Quantitative, and Theoretical Biology at Vienna's Biologische Versuchsanstalt. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Fröschl K.A., Müller G.B., Olechowski T., Schmidt-Lauber B. (Hrsg.) 2015. Reflexive Innenansichten aus der Universität. Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Vienna University Press

Pigliucci, M. and G.B. Müller (eds.) 2010. Evolution – The Extended Synthesis. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Laubichler, M. and G.B. Müller (eds.) 2007. Modeling Biology. Structures, Behaviors, Evolution.
MIT Press, Cambridge. Vol. 8 of The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.

Hall B.K., R. Pearson, and G.B. Müller (eds.) 2003. Environment, Development, and Evolution.
Toward a Synthesis
. MIT Press, Cambridge. Vol. 3 of The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.

Müller G.B. and S.A. Newman (eds.) 2003. Origination of Organismal Form. Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology. MIT Press, Cambridge.Vol. 2 of The Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology.

Kotrschal K., G.B. Müller, and H. Winkler (Hrsg.) 2001. Konrad Lorenz und seine verhaltensbiologischen Konzepte aus heutiger Sicht. Filander Verlag, Fürth.


Developmental Imaging

Mayer C, Metscher BD, Müller GB, Mitteroecker P. 2014. Studying developmental variation with geometric morphometric image analysis (GMIA). PLoS ONE 9:e115076.

Metscher BD, Müller GB. 2011. MicroCT for molecular imaging: Quantitative visualization of complete three-dimensional distributions of gene products in embryonic limbs. Dev Dyn 240:2301–2308.

Meng S, Costa LDF, Geyer SH, Viana MP, Reiter C, Müller GB, Weninger WJ. 2008. Three-dimensional description and mathematical characterization of the parasellar internal carotid artery in human infants. J Anat 212:636–644.

Weninger WJ, Geyer SH, Mohun TJ, Rasskin-Gutman D, Matsui T, Ribeiro I, Costa LDF, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC, Müller GB. 2006. High-resolution episcopic microscopy: A rapid technique for high detailed 3D analysis of gene activity in the context of tissue architecture and morphology. Anat Embryol 211:213–221.

Costa LDF, Travençolo BAN, Azeredo A, Beletti ME, Müller GB, Rasskin-Gutman D, Sternik G, Ibañes M, Izpisúa-Belmonte JC. 2005. A field approach to three-dimensional gene expression pattern characterization. Applied Physics Letters 86:143901–143903.

Costa LDF, Barbosa MS, Manoel ETM, Streicher J, Müller GB. 2004. Mathematical characterization of three-dimensional gene expression patterns. Bioinformatics 20:1653–1662.

Streicher J, Müller GB. 2003. GeneEmac: Three-dimensional visualization of gene expression. In: Lorkowski S, Cullen P, editors. Analyzing Gene Expression. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. p 811–819.

Prossinger H, Seidler H, Wicke L, Weaver D, Recheis W, Stringer C, Müller GB. 2003. Electronic removal of encrustations inside the Steinheim cranium reveals paranasal sinus features and deformations, and provides a revised endocranial volume estimate. Anat Rec 273B:132–142.

Streicher J, Donat MA, Strauss B, Spörle R, Schughart K, Müller GB. 2001. 3D modelling of gene expression patterns. Trends Biotechnol 19:145–148.

Streicher J, Donat MA, Strauss B, Spörle R, Schughart K, Müller GB. 2000. Computer-based three-dimensional visualization of developmental gene expression. Nat Genet 25:147–152.

Weninger WJ, Meng S, Streicher J, Müller GB. 1998. A new episcopic method for rapid 3D reconstruction: Applications in anatomy and embryology. Anat Embryol 197:341–348.

Streicher J, Weninger WJ, Müller GB. 1997. External marker-based automatic congruencing: A new method of 3D reconstruction from serial sections. Anat Rec 248:583–602.


Limb Development

Lange A, Nemeschkal HL, Müller GB. 2018. A threshold model for polydactyly. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 137:1-11.

Lange A, Müller GB. 2014. Polydactyly in development, inheritance, and evolution. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92(1): 1-38.

Nödl M-T, Kerbl A, Walzl MG, Müller GB, de Couet HG. 2016. The cephalopod arm crown: appendage formation and differentiation in the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes. Frontiers in Zoology 13:44. doi:10.1186/s12983-016-0175-8

Lange A, Nemeschkal HL, Müller GB. 2014. Biased polyphenism in polydactylous cats carrying a single point mutation: The Hemingway model for digit novelty. Evol Biol 41:262–275.

Nuño de la Rosa L, Müller GB, Metscher BD. 2014. The lateral mesodermal divide: An epigenetic model of the origin of paired fins. Evol Dev 16:38–48.

Čapek D, Metscher BD, Müller GB. 2013. Thumbs down: A molecular-morphogenetic approach to avian digit homology. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 322:1–12.

Metscher BD, Müller GB. 2011. MicroCT for molecular imaging: Quantitative visualization of complete three-dimensional distributions of gene products in embryonic limbs. Dev Dyn 240:2301–2308.

Newman SA, Müller GB. 2005. Origination and innovation in the vertebrate limb skeleton: An epigenetic perspective. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 304:593–609.

Müller GB, Streicher J, Müller RJ. 1996. Homeotic duplication of the pelvic body segment in regenerating tadpole tails induced by retinoic acid. Dev Genes Evol 206:344–348.

Williams T, Müller GB. 1996. Limb development in a primitive crustacean, Triops longicaudatus: Subdivision of the early limb bud gives rise to multibranched limbs. Dev Genes Evol 206:161–168.

Streicher J, Müller GB. 1992. Natural and experimental reduction of the avian fibula: Developmental thresholds and evolutionary constraint. J Morphol 214:269–285.

Müller GB. 1991. Developmental processes and phenotypic change in Archosaur limb evolution. In: Dudley EC, ed. The Unity of Evolutionary Biology. Washington: Dioscorides Press.

Müller GB. 1991. Evolutionary transformation of limb pattern: Heterochrony and secondary fusion. In: Hinchliffe JR, Hurle J, Summerbell D, eds. Developmental Patterning of the Vertebrate Limb. New York: Plenum Press. p 395–405.

Müller GB, Alberch P. 1990. Ontogeny of the limb skeleton in Alligator mississippiensis: Developmental invariance and change in the evolution of Archosaur limbs. J Morphol 203:151–164.

Müller GB, Streicher J. 1989. Ontogeny of the syndesmosis tibiofibularis and the evolution of the bird hindlimb: A caenogenetic feature triggers phenotypic novelty. Anat Embryol 179:327–339.

Müller GB. 1989. Ancestral patterns in bird limb development: A new look at Hampé's experiment. J Evol Biol 2:31–47.


Phenotypic Novelty

Müller GB. 2020. Developmental Innovation and Phenotypic Novelty. In: Nuno de la Rosa L., Müller G.B. (eds) Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Springer Reference Live  [link]

Nödl M-T, Kerbl A, Walzl MG, Müller GB, de Couet HG. 2016. The cephalopod arm crown: appendage formation and differentiation in the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes. Frontiers in Zoology 13:44. doi:10.1186/s12983-016-0175-8

Peterson T, Müller GB. 2016. Phenotypic novelty in EvoDevo: The distinction between continuous and discontinuous variation and its importance in evolutionary theory. Evol Biol 43:314-335. doi:10.1007/s11692-016-9372-9

Favé M-J, Johnson RA, Cover S, Handschuh S, Metscher BD, Müller GB, Gopalan S, Abouheif E. 2015. Past climate change on Sky Islands drives novelty in a core developmental gene network and its phenotype. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:183-204.

Lange A, Nemeschkal HL, Müller GB. 2014. Biased polyphenism in polydactylous cats carrying a single point mutation: The Hemingway model for digit novelty. Evol Biol 41:262–275.

Nuño de la Rosa L, Müller GB, Metscher BD. 2014. The lateral mesodermal divide: An epigenetic model of the origin of paired fins. Evol Dev 16:38–48.

Peterson T, Müller GB. 2013. What is evolutionary novelty? Process versus character based definitions. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 320:345–350.

Müller GB. 2010. Epigenetic innovation. In: Pigliucci M, Müller GB, editors. Evolution - The Extended Synthesis. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press. p 307–332.

Newman SA, Forgacs G, Müller GB. 2006. Before programs: The physical origination of multicellular forms. Int J Dev Biol 50:289–299.

Newman SA, Müller GB. 2005. Origination and innovation in the vertebrate limb skeleton: An epigenetic perspective. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 304:593–609.

Müller GB, Newman SA. 2005. Evolutionary innovation and morphological novelty. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 304:485–486.

Müller GB, Newman SA. 2005. The innovation triad: An EvoDevo agenda. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 304:487–503.

Müller GB, Newman SA, eds. 2003. Origination of Organismal Form. Cambridge: MIT-Press.

Müller GB, Newman SA. 2003. Origination of organismal form: The forgotten cause in evolutionary theory. In: Müller GB, Newman SA, eds. Origination of Organismal Form. MIT Press.

Müller GB. 2003. Homology: The evolution of morphological organization. In: Müller GB, Newman SA, eds. Origination of Organismal Form. Cambridge: MIT Press. p 51–69.

Müller GB. 2003. Embryonic motility: Environmental influences and evolutionary innovation. Evol Dev 5:56–60.

Müller GB. 2002. Novelty and key innovation. In: Pagel M, ed. Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p 1–4.

Newman SA, Müller GB. 2000. Epigenetic mechanisms of character origination. J Exp Zool 288:304–317.

Wagner GP, Müller GB. 2002. Evolutionary innovations overcome ancestral constraints: A re-examination of character evolution in male sepsid flies (Diptera: Sepsidae). Evol Dev 4:1–6, discussion 7–8.

Müller GB, Streicher J, Müller RJ. 1996. Homeotic duplication of the pelvic body segment in regenerating tadpole tails induced by retinoic acid. Dev Genes Evol 206:344–348.

Müller GB, Wagner GP. 1991. Novelty in evolution: Restructuring the concept. Annu Rev Ecol Syst 22:229–256.

Müller GB. 1990. Developmental mechanisms at the origin of morphological novelty: A side-effect hypothesis. In: Nitecki MH, ed. Evolutionary Innovations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p 99–130.

Müller GB, Streicher J. 1989. Ontogeny of the syndesmosis tibiofibularis and the evolution of the bird hindlimb: A caenogenetic feature triggers phenotypic novelty. Anat Embryol 179:327–339.


EvoDevo Theory

Müller GB. 2020. Developmental Innovation and Phenotypic Novelty. In: Nuno de la Rosa L, Müller GB (eds.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Springer Reference Live. [link]

Müller GB. 2020. Evo-Devo’s Contributions to the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. In: Nuno de la Rosa L, Müller GB (eds.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide. Springer Reference Live. [link]

Müller GB. 2019. EvoDevo's challenges to the Modern Synthesis. In: Fusco G (ed.) Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology, pp 29-39. Padova University Press, Padova.

Müller GB. 2014. EvoDevo shapes the Extended Synthesis. Biol Theory 9:119–121.

Mitteroecker P, Gunz P, Neubauer S, Müller GB. 2012. How to explore morphological integration in human evolution and development. Evol Biol 39:536–553.

Newman SA, Müller GB. 2010. Morphological evolution: Epigenetic mechanisms. Embryonic Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,

Müller GB. 2008. Evo-devo as a discipline. In: Minelli A, Fusco G, eds. Evolving Pathways: Key Themes in Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Callebaut W, Müller GB, Newman S. 2007. The organismic systems approach: EvoDevo and the streamlining of the naturalistic agenda. In: Sansom R, Brandon R, editors. Integrating Evolution and Development: From Theory to Practice. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press. p 25–92.

Laubichler MD, Müller GB, eds. 2007. Modeling Biology. Structures, Behaviors, Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Collins JP, Gilbert SF, Laubichler MD, Müller GB. 2007. Modeling in EvoDevo: How to Integrate Development, Evolution, and Ecology. In: Modeling Biology. Structures, Behaviors, Evolution. Cambridge: MIT Press. p 355–378.

Müller GB. 2007. Evo-devo: Extending the evolutionary synthesis. Nat Rev Genet 8:943–949.

Müller GB. 2007. Six memos for Evo-Devo. In: Laubichler M, Maienschein J, editors. From Embryology to EvoDevo. A History of Developmental Evolution. p 499–524.

Newman SA, Müller GB. 2006. Genes and form: Inherency in the evolution of developmental mechanisms. In: Neumann-Held EM, Rehmann-Sutter C, editors. Genes in Development. Durham: Duke University Press Books. p 38–73.

Newman SA, Forgacs G, Müller GB. 2006. Before programs: The physical origination of multicellular forms. Int J Dev Biol 50:289–299.

Müller GB. 2005. Evolutionary developmental biology. In: Wuketits F, Ayala FJ, editors. Evolutionary Biology. San Diego: Wiley-VCH. p 87–115.

Müller GB, Newman SA. 2005. The innovation triad: An EvoDevo agenda. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 304:487–503.

Hall BK, Pearson RD, Müller GB, eds. 2004. Environment, Development, and Evolution. Toward a Synthesis. Cambridge: MIT-Press.

Müller GB, Newman SA, eds. 2003. Origination of Organismal Form. Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology. Cambridge: MIT-Press.

Müller GB, Wagner GP. 1996. Homology, Hox genes, and developmental integration. Amer Zool 36:4–13.

Müller GB. 1994. Evolutionäre Entwicklungsbiologie: Grundlagen einer neuen Synthese. In: Wieser W, editor. Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie. Heidelberg: Spektrum Verlag. p 155–193.

Müller GB. 1991. Experimental strategies in evolutionary embryology. Am Zool 31:605–615.

Müller GB. 1990. Developmental mechanisms at the origin of morphological novelty: A side-effect hypothesis. In: Nitecki MH, editor. Evolutionary Innovations. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p 99–130.


Evolutionary Theory

Müller GB. 2020. Evo-Devo’s Contributions to the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. In: Nuno de la Rosa L, Müller GB (eds.) Evolutionary Developmental Biology: A Reference Guide. Springer Reference Live. [link]

Müller GB. 2019. EvoDevo's challenges to the Modern Synthesis. In: Fusco G (ed.) Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology, pp 29-39. Padova University Press, Padova.

Müller GB. 2019. An evolving view on evolution: Towards an extended evolutionary synthesis. In: Sim S and Seet B (eds.) The Chronicles of Evolution, pp 241-251. Wildtype Books, Singapore.

Müller GB. 2017. Why an extended evolutionary synthesis is necessary. Interface Focus, 7:1-11.

Laland KN, Uller T, Feldman MW, Sterelny K, Müller GB, Moczek A, Jablonka E, Odling-Smee J. 2015. The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Its structure, assumptions and predictions. Proc R Soc B 282:1813. DOI 10.1186/s12862-015-0448-4.

Laland K, Uller T, Feldman M, Sterelny K, Müller GB, Moczek A, Jablonka E, Odling-Smee J. 2014. Does evolutionary theory need a rethink? Yes, urgently. Nature 514:161–164.

Müller GB. 2014. EvoDevo shapes the Extended Synthesis. Biol Theory 9:119–121.

Noble D, Jablonka E, Joyner MJ, Müller GB, Omholt SW. 2014. Evolution evolves: Physiology returns to centre stage. J Physiol (Lond) 592:2237–2244.

Mesoudi A, Blanchet S, Charmantier A, Danchin E, Fogarty L, Jablonka E, Laland KN, Morgan TJH, Müller GB, Odling-Smee FJ, Pujol B. 2013. Is non-genetic inheritance just a proximate mechanism? A corroboration of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Biol Theory 7: 189-195.

Müller GB. 2013. Evolutionary theory today: Three myths rejected. In: Weber HP, Langthaler R, eds. Evolutionstheorie und Schöpfungsglaube. V & R unipress. p 17–31.

Müller GB. 2013. Beyond spandrels: Stephen J. Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis. In: Danieli G, Pievani T, eds. Stephen J. Gould: The Scientific Legacy. Springer, Milano. p 85–99.

Müller GB, Pigliucci M. 2011. Extended Synthesis: Theory expansion or alternative? Biol Theory 5:275–276.

Pigliucci M, Müller GB. 2010. Elements of an Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. In: Pigliucci M, Müller GB, eds. Evolution - The Extended Synthesis. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Pigliucci M, Müller GB. 2010. Evolution - The Extended Synthesis. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Pigliucci M, Müller GB. 2010. Foreword to Evolution: The Modern Synthesis. The Definitive Edition. In: Evolution: The Modern Synthesis. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Müller GB. 2007. Evo-devo: Extending the evolutionary synthesis. Nat Rev Genet 8:943–949.

Müller GB. 2003. Homology: The evolution of morphological organization. In: Müller GB, Newman SA, eds. Origination of Organismal Form. Cambridge: MIT Press. p 51–69.

Müller GB. 2001. Homologie und Analogie: Die vergleichende Methode in Morphologie und Ethologie. In: Kotrschal K, Müller GB, Winkler H, eds. Konrad Lorenz und seine verhaltensbiologischen Konzepte aus heutiger Sicht. Fürth: Filander Verlag. p 127–137.

Müller GB, Newman SA. 1999. Generation, integration, autonomy: Three steps in the evolution of homology. Novartis Found Symp 222:65–73; discussion 73–9.

Müller GB, Wagner GP. 1996. Homology, Hox genes, and developmental integration. Amer Zool 36:4–13.

Müller GB. 1994. Evolutionäre Entwicklungsbiologie: Grundlagen einer neuen Synthese. In: Wieser W, ed. Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie. Heidelberg: Spektrum Verlag. p 155–193.

Levinton JS, Bandel K, Charlesworth B, Müller GB, Nagl W, Runnegar B, Selander RK, Stearns SC, Turner JRG, Urbanek AJ, Valentine JW. 1986. Organismic evolution: The interaction of microevolutionary and macroevolutionary processes. In: Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p 166–182.

History of Biology

Müller GB. 2017. Biologische Versuchsanstalt: An Experiment in the Experimental Sciences. In: Vivarium - Experimental, Quantitative, and Theoretical Biology at Vienna's Biologische Versuchsanstalt (Müller G.B. ed.) pp 3-18. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Müller GB. 2017. The Substance of Form: Hans Przibram's Quest for Biological Experiment, Quantification, and Theory. In: Vivarium - Experimental, Quantitative, and Theoretical Biology at Vienna's Biologische Versuchsanstalt (Müller G.B. ed.) pp 135-163. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Lange A, Müller GB. 2017. Polydactyly in development, inheritance, and evolution. The Quarterly Review of Biology 92(1): 1-38.

Müller GB, Nemeschkal HL. 2015. Zoologie im Hauch der Moderne: Vom Typus zum offenen System. In: Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität – Wiener Disziplingeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik. Fröschl KA, GB Müller, T Olechowski und B Schmidt-Lauber, eds. pp 355-369.

Müller GB. 2013. Beyond spandrels: Stephen J. Gould, EvoDevo, and the Extended Synthesis. In: Danieli G, Pievani T, eds. Stephen J. Gould: The Scientific Legacy. Springer, Milano. p 85–99.

Brauckmann S, Brandt C, Thieffry D, Müller GB, eds. 2009. Graphing Genes, Cells, and Embryos: Cultures of seeing 3D and beyond. 380, Preprint Series, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.