All Events
KLI Special Event
2011-05-12 18:00 - 2011-05-12 20:00
20 Year Celebration of the KLI
KLI Special Event
Palais Daun-Kinsky, Vienna, Austria
KLI Colloquia
2018-12-10 16:00 - 2018-12-10 17:30
“Human Nature,” Natural Detachment and the Hybrid Hominin
Lenny MOSS (University of Exeter)
KLI Colloquia
2016-09-22 16:30 - 2016-09-22 18:00
“But Cells are Matter That Dances”: Depicting Cell Trajectories in Embryogenesis
Janina WELLMANN (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
KLI Colloquia
2019-06-04 15:00 - 2019-06-04 16:30
"Geological Agents?" Thinking about the Human in the Anthropocene
Eva HORN (University of Vienna)
KLI Brown Bag
2013-11-28 13:15 - 2013-11-28 13:15
‘Insights into Insight’: Data from the Design Realm – Conceptual Clarification Across Disciplines — Potential links to EvoDevo
Stefan WILTSCHNIG (Copenhagen Business School)
KLI Colloquia
2016-04-28 16:30 - 2016-04-28 16:30
Evolution of Different Dynamic Modes of Segmentation
Berta VERD (KLI)
2017-10-19 13:00 - 2017-10-20 16:00
Editing Genomes with CRISPR: Between Scientific Breakthroughs and Societal Challenges
Chylinski, Dratwa, Drumi, Garber, Jasanoff, Newman, Parthasarathy, Kelly, u.a.
Das Billrothhaus der Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien
KLI Colloquia
2024-06-06 15:00 - 2024-06-06 17:00
Co(w)-Evolution: Dairying from the Holocene to the Anthropocene in German Speaking Europe
Juno SALAZAR PARREÑAS (Cornell University, New York)
KLI Special Event
2017-11-09 17:00 - 2017-11-09 20:00
A Revised Theory of Cancer
Public Event
Aula am Campus der Universität Wien, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1.11, 1090 Wien