
The KLI support international groups of scholars in the life and sustainability sciences working on interdisciplinary projects to conduct their groundbreaking research at the institute.  KLI Focus Groups and Working Groups aim to develop ideas on a particular subject and generate suggestions for action. The participants have different scientific backgrounds and strive to develop specific, practical goals.  Focus Groups are one-time meetings gathering and working together at the KLI for a period of one to maximum two weeks. Working Groups comprise 3 meetings over the course of one year and a half.

Event Details

Michiru Nagatsu
KLI Colloquia
Sustainability Science as a Management Science: Beyond the Natural-Social Divide
Michiru NAGATSU (University of Helsinki)
2020-05-19 17:00 - 2020-05-19 18:30
Organized by KLI

Join by Zoom:

Meeting ID: 817 5442 7828

Topic description / abstract:

In this paper, we argue that in order to understand the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialectics in sustainability science, it is useful to see sustainability science as a kind of operations research/management science (OR/MS), and then to highlight the hard-soft distinction in systems thinking for OR/MS. First we argue that the commonly made natural-social science dichotomy is relatively unimportant and unhelpful. We then outline the differences between soft and hard systems thinking as a more relevant and helpful distinction, mainly as a difference between perspectives in systemic modeling toward models. We also illustrate that the distinction is methodologically useful to advance sustainability science by enabling us  (i) to suggest novel ways of using existing theoretical, experimental, and computational resources of the sciences for renewable resource management, and (ii) to disentangle disciplinary disagreements in climate science.



Michiru Nagatsu is an associate professor at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, and Practical Philosophy, the University of Helsinki. He runs Economics and Philosophy Lab and HELSUS Methodology Lab. His research uses a range of empirical approaches – including experimental philosophy, collaborations with scientists, interviews, integrated history and philosophy of science – to study conceptual and methodological questions in the philosophy of science.