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Callebaut, Werner and Laubichler, Manfred D.

"General Biology" old and new: The challenges facing biological explanation


Menendez, Lumila P. and Sardi, Marina L. and Scheifler, Nahuel A. and Gonzalez, Mariela E. and Messineo, Pablo and Politis, Gustavo G.

10,000 years of mandibular evolution in southern South America: Implications for morphological siversification


Streicher, Johannes and Müller, Gerd B.

3D modelling of gene expression patterns


Mitteroecker, Philipp and Guny, Philipp and Windhager, Sonja and Schaefer, Katrin

A brief review of shape, form, and allometry in geometric morphometrics, with applications to human facial morphology


Mangini G. Giselle, Rutt Cameron L., Sridhar Hari, Buitron Galo, Muñoz Jenny, Robinson Scott K., Montaño-Centellas Flavia, Zarco Agustin, Fanjul M. Elisa, Fernández-Arellano Gilberto, Xing Shuang, and Camerlenghi Ettore

A classification scheme for mixed-species bird flocks


Handschuh, Stephan and Baeumler, Natalie and Schwaab, Thomas and Ruthensteiner, Bernhard

A correlative approach for combining microCT, light and transmission electron microscopy in a single 3D scenario


Gomez-Robles, Aida and Bermudez de Castro, José María and Martinón-Torres, María and Prado-Simón, Leyre and Arsuaga, Juan Luis

A geometric morphometric analysis of hominid upper second and third molars, with particular emphasis on European Pleistocene populations


Gómez-Robles, Aida and Martinón-Torres, Maria and Bermúdez De Castro, José Maria and Prado-Simón, Leyre and Arsuaga, Juan Luis

A geometric morphometric analysis of hominin upper premolars. Shape variation and morphological integration


Vianna Franco Marco P. and MIssemer Antoine

A History of Ecological Economic Thought

Routledge, 2022

Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Frost, H. Robert and Marshall, M. Scott and Prud'hommeaux, Eric and Samwald, Matthias and Zhao, Jun and Paschke, Adrian

A journey to semantic web query federation in the life sciences


Schaefer, Katrin and Windhager, Sonja and Slice, Dennis E. and Mitteroecker, Philipp

A man's face reveals his body height: a GMM approach to ontogenetic and static allometry


Pavlicev, Mihaela and Wagner, Günter P.

A model of developmental evolution: selection, pleiotropy, compensation


Haase, Albrecht and Rigosi, Elisa and Frasnelli, Elisa and Trona, Federica and Tessarolo, Francesco and Vinegoni, Claudio and Anfora, Gianfranco and Vallortigara, Giorgio and Antolini, Renzo

A multimodal approach for tracing lateralization along the olfactory pathway in the honeybee through electrophysiological recordings, morpho-functional imaging, and behavioural studies


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and MacLeod, Miles and Handschuh, Stephan and Frischer, Christoph and Lang, Julia and Schlumpp, Martin and Callebaut, Werner

A piecewise aggregation of (some) philosophers' and biologists' perspectives


Caniglia, Guido; Luederitz, Christopher; von Wirth, Timo; Fazey, Ioan; Martin-Lopez, Berta; Hondrilla, Kristina; Koenig, Ariane; von Wehrden, Henrik; Laubichler, Manfred D. and Lang Daniel J.

A pluralistic and integrated approach to action-oriented knowledge for sustainability


Wagner, Günter P. and Booth, Ginger and Bagheri-Chaichian, Homayoun

A population genetic theory of canalization


Krohs, Ulrich

A priori measurable worlds

Philosphy of Science Archive, 2006

McGhee, George R. and Hue, Isabella and Dardaillon, Justine and Pontarotti, Pierre

A proposed terminology of convergent evolution

Springer, 2018

Krall, Peter

A purely pragmatic approach to the theory of symbolic calculi

Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1993

Novartis Foundation Symposia
Wagner, Günter P.

A research programme for testing the Biological Homology Concept

Wiley, 1999

Rogers, Lesley J. and Rigosi, Elisa and Frasnelli, Elisa and Vallortigara, Giorgio

A right antenna for social behaviour in honeybees


Caressa, Antonella and Morganti, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio

A situated cognition perspective on presence


Lange, Axel and Nemeschkal, Hans Leo and Müller, Gerd B.

A threshold model for polydactyly


Lehmann, H. and Bryson, Joanna J.

A unified account of the primate tolerance spectrum


Yoo, Hyunjoo and Buder, Eugene H. and Bowman, Dale D. and Bidelman, Gavin M. and Oller, D. Kimbrough

Acoustic correlates and adult perceptions of distress in infant speech-like vocalizations and cries


Khalil, Elias

Action, Entrepreneurship and Evolution

Ontos Verlag, 2007

Mitteroecker, Philipp and Fischer, Barbara

Adult pelvic shape change is an evolutionary side-effect


Mitteroecker, Philipp and Gunz, Philipp

Advances in Geometric Morphometrics


Xenakis, Ioannis and Arnellos, Argyris

Aesthetic perception and its minimal content: a naturalistic approach


Moczek Armin P. and Sultan Sonia E.

Agency in living systems


Nuño de la Rosa, Laura

Agency in Reproduction


Griffin, William A. and Laubichler, Manfred D. and Callebaut, Werner

Agents, modeling processes, and the allure of prophecy


Molnár Orsolya, Knickel Marina, and Marizzi Christine

All Hands on Deck: Turning Evolutionary Theory into Preventive Policies

Zea Books, 2023

Burrows, Lauren and Jarmulowicz, Linda and Oller, D. Kimbrough

Allophony in English language learners: The case of tap in English and Spanish


Fleck, Michel and Fischer, Barbara and Simon, Uwe K.

Am Puls: Biologie 5


Hoberg Eric P., Boeger Walter A., Molnár Orsolya, Földvári Gábor, Gardner Scott, Juarrero Alicia, Kharchenko Vitaliy A., Ortiz Eloy, Preiser Wolfgang, Trivellone Valeria, and Brooks Daniel R.

An Introduction to the DAMA Protocol: Finding Them Before They Find Us


Rajakumar, Rajendhran and San Mauro, Diego and Dijkstra, Michiel B. and Huang, Ming H. and Wheeler, Diana E. and Hiou-Tim, Francois and Khila, Abdarrahman and Cournoyea, Michael and Abouheif, Ehab

Ancestral developmental potential facilitates parallel evolution in ants


Sutton, John and McIlwain, Doris and Christensen, Wayne D. and Geeves, Andrew

Applying intelligence to the reflexes: Embodied skills and habits between Dreyfus and Descartes


Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Lim, Ernest and Samwald, Matthias and Chen, Huajun and Marenco, Luis and Holford, Matthew E. and Morse, Thomas M. and Mutalik, Pradeep and Shepherd, Gordon M. and Miller, Perry L.

Approaches to neuroscience data integration


Vecchi, Davide

Are Lamarckian explanations fully reducible to Darwinian ones? The case of adaptive mutagenesis

Österreichische Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft, 2008

Khalil, Elias L.

Are plants rational?


Willadsen, Elisabeth and Persson, Christina and Patrick, Kathryn and Lohmander, Anette and Oller, D. Kimbrough

Assessment of prelinguistic vocalizations in real time: a comparison with phonetic transcription and assessment of inter-coder-reliability


Frasnelli, Elisa and Iakovlev, Ivan and Reznikova, Zhanna

Asymmetry in Antennal Contacts during Trophallaxis in Ants


Frasnelli, Elisa and Iakovlev, Ivan and Reznikova, Zhanna

Asymmetry in antennal contacts during trophallaxis in ants


Virányi, Zsófia and Range, Friederike and Huber, Ludwig

Attentiveness toward others and social learning in domestic dogs

Psychology Press, 2008

Xavier, Joana C.; Hordijk, Wim; Kauffman, Stuart; Steel, Mike and Martin, William F.

Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism


Oller, D. K. and Niyogi, P. and Gray, S. and Richards, J. A. and Gilkerson, J. and Xu, D. and Yapanel, U. and Warren, S. F.

Automated vocal analysis of naturalistic recordings from children with autism, language delay, and typical development


Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa and Moreno, Alvaro

Autonomy in evolution: From minimal to complex life


Newman, Stuart A. and Forgacs, Gabor and Müller, Gerd B.

Before programs: the physical origination of multicellular forms


Callebaut, Werner

Beyond a "levels view" of science


DiFrisco, James and Jaeger, Johannes

Beyond networks: Mechanism and process in Evo-Devo


Vianna Franco Marco P., Costa Ribeiro Leonardo, and da Motta e Albuquerque Eduardo

Beyond random causes: Harmonic analysis of business cycles at the Moscow Conjuncture Institute


Vianna Franco, Marco P.; Ribeiro, Leonardo C. and da Motta e Albuquerque, Eduardo

Beyond random causes: harmonic analysis of business cycles at the Moscow Conjuncture Institute


Bechtel, William and Callebaut, Werner and Griesemer, James R. and Schank, Jeffrey C.

Bill Wimsatt on multiple ways of getting at the complexity of nature [Interview]


Cornel, Heinz; Gahleitner, Silke Birgitta; Köhler-Saretzki, Thomas; Nowacki, Katja; Sarto-Jackson, Isabella; Schleiffer, Roland; Schröder, Martin; Süss, Gerhard

Bindung und Beziehung in der Sozialen Arbeit. Einführende Bemerkungen


Callebaut, Werner and Laubichler, Manfred D.

Biocomplexity as a challenge for biological theory [Editorial]


Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto and Hordijk, Wim and Kauffman, Stuart

Biodiversity and autocatalysis


Wuketits, Franz M.

Bioethik. Eine kritische Einführung

C.H. Beck, 2007

Honap, Tanvi P. and Sankaranarayanan, Krithivasan and Schnorr, Stephanie L. and Ozga, Andrew T. and Warinner, Christina and Lewis, Cecil M. Jr.

Biogeographic study of human gut-associated crAssphage suggests impacts from industrialization and recent expansion