All Projects
Cognition and Sociality
McLoone Brian
Conceptual Issues Concerning the Ontogeny and Evolution of Human Collaboration
2014-02-17 - 2014-07-15
Triviño Vanessa
Contemporary Questions in Metaphysics of Bioloy: Emergence, Dispositions, and Persistence in Organisms
2015-03-09 - 2015-06-30
Philosophy of Biology
Taylor Peter J.
Control and Analysis of Human Variation
2010-05-10 - 2010-10-17
Cognition and Sociality
McCall Lauren
Covariation and Heritability of Biological and Cultural Character Suites
2006-01-01 - 2006-12-31
Evteev Andrej
Craniofacial Adaptation to High Latitudes in Eurasia and the Americas: An Integrated Approach
2019-11-18 - 2019-12-21
Eisova Stanislava
Craniovascular Traits in South America Populations
2020-01-20 - 2020-01-31
Sustainability Research
Lambert Lauren
Cultivating Coherence in Sustainability: Social, Futures, and Ecological Empathy
2022-10-15 - 2023-04-14
Sustainability Research
Lambert Lauren
Cultivating Coherence in Sustainability: Social, Futures, and Ecological Empathy
2023-04-15 - 2023-08-31
Philosophy of Biology
Loison Laurent
Cybernetics and the Rise of Molecular Biology: The Case of Jacques Monod
2020-01-19 - 2020-01-25
Meisel Daniela V.
Cycles of Activity, Temporal Spacing and Sleep in Octopus vulgaris and Octopus macropus
Sustainability Research
Salazar Parreñas Juno
Dairy Farming Co(w)-Evolution: From the Holocene to the Anthropocene
2024-05-28 - 2024-06-30
Rajakumar Rajendhran
Darwin’s Invisible Ink: The Role of Ancestral Developmental Potential in Evolution
2018-06-07 - 2018-06-29
Sustainability Research
Weger Jacob
Delta Variations: Politics of Translation in the Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
2020-10-01 - 2021-12-31
Anderson Wesley
Demography, Causal Structure, Evolutionary Dynamics, and Novelties
2016-07-01 - 2017-08-31
Hallgrimsson Benedikt
Development and Evolvability: The Conceptual Foundations of Evo-Devo
2023-05-01 - 2023-06-30