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Suarez Javier | Other
2019-03-05 - 2019-06-02 | Research area: Philosophy of Biology
Stability of Traits as the Kind of Stability that Matters: Holobionts as Units of Selection

The project I aim to develop at the KLI is just one of the parts of my general doctoral project, which I started in Exeter in 2015 and it is still going on. The project has already produced some outcomes, in the form of different presentations in philosophy and biology meetings, three publications in specialized journals, and transference to the society –in the form of talks for a general audience, including non-philosophers, and non-biologists–. The project is supposed to be extended for a few more months after my stay at the KLI, probably until December 2019, or maybe March 2020, which are the dates when I plan to defend my dissertation. In that context, the stay at the KLI is aimed at a double role: first, I aim to frame my whole doctoral project in a better way, while in there; second, I aim to test some of the key points of my model, particularly trying to address if my model makes sense to conceive the holobiont as a unit of selection. These two roles are structural for the success of my project.