
KLI “Visiting Fellowships Program”

The Visiting Fellowships Program at the KLI offers individual or small groups fellowships (max 3 people) for visiting fellows who wish to work on a project and engage with the KLI community for a short or longer period of time. Visiting fellows should work on projects related to the mission and vision of the institute. Researchers applying for the Visiting Fellowship Program do not receive a stipend from the KLI and should be supported by their own funding

All applications for the Visiting Fellowship Program are initiated by filling out the contact form. See the links to our contact forms below. Final decisions about acceptance are made by the KLI Board of Directors.


What are we looking for at the KLI?

We are happy to receive applications to our Visiting Fellowship Program that fit the mission and vision of the institute.

We privilege projects that are theoretical and reflexive (including conceptual, epistemological, and historical projects) as well as interdisciplinary within the life, cognitive, and sustainability sciences as well as history, philosophy and social studies thereof.

The ideal KLI visiting fellow should also have good communication and collaboration capacities as well as the creativity and willingness to contribute to the life of the institute.

At the KLI we are happy to host excellent researchers who are also able and willing to engage with the resident fellows in the KLI community. Therefore, the ideal KLI visiting fellows should also be willing to engage and share their ideas with the fellows both informally and formally in one of the KLI Colloquia or at the KLI Lab. Visiting fellows are invited to take active part to the activities of the institute.

What do we offer to our visiting and guest fellows?

Visiting fellows will have a desk and can make use of the KLI library. The KLI can offer reimbursement of travel expenses as well as accommodation for limited periods of time. If you would like to join the KLI as a visiting fellow, please contact the KLI. For details and possible arrangements, please, contact the Scientific Director or the Executive Manager.

There are two main kinds of visiting fellowships. Please, contact the KLI Scientific Directors or the Executive Manager to learn more about the details of our offer. 

Senior Visiting Fellowships

  • Eligibility: Researchers who have obtained their PhD more than 8 years from the time of application
  • Duration: one week to up-to six months.
  • Remuneration: accommodation and travel expenses.

Early Career Visiting Fellowships

  • Eligibility: Late stage PhD students and researchers who have obtained their PhD less than 8 years before the time of application.
  • Duration: one week to up-to six months.
  • Remuneration: accommodation and travel expenses.


In addition to visiting fellowships, the KLI always welcomes informal scientific guests at all stages of their scientific career who come with their own funding and do not need reimbursement of travel expenses or accommodation. If you would like to visit the KLI for a short or more extended stay without requiring remuneration, accommodation or travel reimbursement, please contact the KLI.


How can you apply to the KLI Visiting Fellowships Program?

The application process includes the following steps:

  • Step 1: Fill out the contact form.
  • Step 2: We assess the suitability and quality of your application. If the assessment is positive, we request a more formal application and detailed project description by email.
  • Step 3: the KLI Board of Directors will take a final decision to grant or reject your proposal.

KLI Board meetings are scheduled 3–4 times a year. Please allow at least 4–6 months for processing your application.

Rejection decisions by the scientific director and the KLI Board are final. There is no possibility to appeal this decision.