Interdependency – How to Picture Living Systems: Kick-off Event
Petra MAITZ (Vienna/Hamburg/Sydney)
Apr 26, 2016 | 17:00
Organized by: KLI & Petra Maitz
Topic Description
Art functioning as an aesthetic and shape-giving basis can contribute to modelling of epistemic objects in science. In which way can a model or a drawing be used to transfer knowledge or to generate knowledge? Drawings in art and in science can provide radically new insights.
The artist Petra Maitz presents special objects at the interface of art and science in this event. In her talk, she highlights the artistic challenges associated with it, but also the "light-bulb" experiences and achievements that come with the interdisciplinary nature of such projects. She discusses chances and aims of such cooperations with fellows of the KLI.
Petra Maitz is the coordinator of the interdisciplinary project "INTERDEPENDENCY – HOW TO PICTURE LIVING SYSTEMS." Previous to this project she has dedicated her artistic and scientific endeavors to the "Lady Musgrave Reef" which she transformed into the Territorium Artis by a collective expedition.