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Welcoming Olesya Bondareko to the KLI

We are very happy to welcome our new Postdoctoral Fellow Olesya Bondareko to the KLI! Olesya has recently defended her PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge. Her current research focuses on the integration between genomics and the social sciences including psychology, sociology, and social policy-oriented research.

She is particularly interested in the arguments that genomic tools (such as the so-called polygenic scores) can strengthen evidential support for causal claims made by social scientists. More generally, she works on philosophical themes related to integrative biosocial research on human behaviour and health, including causation and causal concepts, measurement, and theory building. She is also interested in ethical questions which arise in the abovementioned research contexts.

At the KLI, Olesya’s project - Behavioural Genetics and Cultural Evolutionary Theory: An Integrative Relationship? - examines the relationship between behavioural genetics, on the one hand, and cultural evolutionary theory, on the other. In particular, it focuses on whether an integration between the two fields is possible and identifies areas in which it would be most fruitful. Furthermore, it looks at the epistemic goals (such as prediction and explanation) which could potentially be furthered by such an integration. The project aims to contribute to building an integrative theoretical framework which would help both fields tackle the epistemic challenges they both face.

Olesya will be a postdoctoral fellow at the KLI starting on 15th Mar 2024.

Here’s wishing Olesya a hearty welcome and a fruitful time at the KLI.

Olesya was born and grew up in Ukraine which continues to suffer from the Russian invasion. You can help Ukrainian medics save lives by donating to or