News Details

We are delighted to have KLI alumna Barbara Fischer join the KLI again, this time as 'Group Leader, Evolutionary Biology'.
Barbara was a post-doctoral Fellow at the KLI from 2015-2019. She received her PhD degree in Ecology and Evolution, 2010 from the University of Berne, Switzerland. Barbara is an evolutionary biologist and data scientist with a background in Mathematics and Theoretical Biology.She uses theoretical and empirical approaches to study phenotypic evolution, with a particular focus on the evolution of birth in humans. Barbara's research is centred on the classical problem of adaptation versus constraints in evolution: why are some traits more easily 'adaptable' than others? Barbara is also a dedicated teacher and enjoys communicating science through popular science talks and articles for a non-scientific audience.
Currently, Barbara is an Elise Richter fellow at the Unit of Theoretical Biology, Department of Evolutionary Biology of the University of Vienna, Austria.
We congratulate Barbara on her new position, and extend our warmest wishes! We look forward to working together in the coming days.
Welcome again to the KLI!
Know more about Barbara through her website and University of Vienna webpage.