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Welcoming Wiktor Rorot to the KLI

We are very happy to welcome our new Writing-Up Fellow Wiktor Rorot to the KLI! Wiktor comes from a background in cognitive science and philosophy. His central research interests lie in understanding how cognition is studied across a variety of scientific disciplines, how theoretical concepts shape empirical studies, and what can one do to improve upon the current research practices.

Wiktor is a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, University of Warsaw, supervised by Prof. Joanna R?czaszek-Leonardi (Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw) and Prof. Marcin Mi?kowski (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences). He had previously graduated with a Master’s degree in Cognitive Science and a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Warsaw.

At the KLI, Wiktor's project, "Scale-Free Communication? An investigation of the use of the concept 'communication' in biology and cognitive sciences" aims to examine the parallels between linguistic and symbolic communication and signaling-based communication in simpler biological systems, with a goal to develop an empirically grounded understanding of the term "communication" that facilitates its systematic and meaningful application in studying a wide range of biological phenomena, while also guiding future research in both the philosophy of science and the life sciences.

Since 2022, Wiktor has been co-organising School of Ideas in Neuroscience, an annual summer school that actively encourages young empirical researchers within neuroscience to reflect upon the theoretical background and implications of their work.

Wiktor will be at the KLI from 1 Sep 2024 to 31 Mar 2025.

Here’s wishing Wiktor a warm welcome and a fruitful stay at the KLI.