COVID-19 und andere Pandemien entstehen durch negative menschliche Einflüsse auf die Diversität der gesamten Umwelt
Globaler Diversitätsverlust im biologischen, anthropologischen und geologischen Bereich begünstigt die Entstehung von Zoonosen, fanden KLI Forscher*innen heraus
COVID-19 and other pandemics are the effects of our negative impact on the diversity of the total environment
Loss of diversity in biological, anthropological and geological global spheres enhances the emergence of zoonoses.
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
What might future envisioned knowledge systems need to look like and how might we get there?
Dehumanization and Essentialism
KLI Colloquium: Maria KRONFELDNER (Central European University), 3 December 2020, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
Seminar »Das soziale Gehirn« 17 März 2021 – Pro Juventute Akademie, Salzburg
Seminar (in German) for social workers and pedagogues at Pro Juventute Akademie (Salzburg). Speaker: Isabella Sarto-Jackson Title: »Das soziale Gehirn«
Craniofacial and mandibular variation in colonial populations of the southern Andes during the 16th to 19th centuries
KLI fellow Lumila Menéndez and colleagues find high diversity in the biology, culture, and diet of these populations.
Ecomorphological study of the cranial variation in prehistoric populations from Peru
New paper by Lumila Menéndez investigates the cranial variation in prehistoric populations from Peru.
The biological potential of the endocranium to contribute to the peopling of South America debate.
A promising methodological strategy from virtual anthropology that would allow disentangling co-existing models to explain how the first humans arrived into the Americas.
Emergence of scientific understanding in real-time ecological research practice
KLI fellow Luana Poliseli develops a nuanced account of scientific understanding grounded in ethnographic studies.
A multi-armed bandit algorithm speeds up the evolution of cooperation
KLI fellow Roberto Cazzolla Gatti challenges fundamental assumptions to create a new theoretical framework for the evolution of cooperation.
Remembering Werner Callebaut through his books
Six years ago, we lost Werner Callebaut, philosopher of the life sciences and long-serving scientific director of the KLI. In his memory, we laid out an exhibition of his vast literary collection.
Ecological utopianism in Narodnik thought: Nikolay Chernyshevsky and the redemption of land
New paper by KLI fellow Marco P. Vianna Franco situates Nikolay Chernyshevsky's work in the history of ecological economic thought.
CANCELLED!! Building a Healthy (Microbial) Community: Establishment of the Gut Microbiota in Infants and its Role in Immune and Brain Development
KLI Colloquium: David BERRY (University of Vienna), 5 November 2020, 3.00 pm.
We will give the forest a voice! Documentary watch with director Roberto Cazzolla Gatti
KLI fellow and ecologist Roberto Cazzolla Gatti screened his 2019 documentary "Ivindo: a journey into the green heart of Africa" at our first colloquium of the fall/winter term.
Call for artists to participate in ClimArtLab project
Open call for artists based in Austria and/or with easy access to Klosterneuburg, NÖ, Austria.
KLI Executive Manager Isabella Sarto-Jackson Joins Panel Discussion of Vienna Cognitive Science Hub Symposium
Predictive Processing Symposium: From Concept to Circuits – symposium organized by Vienna Cognitive Science Hub featuring K. Friston and N. Uchida.
Panel discussants: K. Friston, N. Uchida, I. Sarto-Jackson, M. Grosse-Wentrup, M. Zimmer, moderated by R. Sladky
Behavior: The Missing Link to Understanding Diet and Morphology
KLI Colloquium: Mariana DUTRA FOGAÇA (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), 22 October 2020, 3.00 pm. [br] To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
A pluralistic and integrated approach to action-oriented knowledge for sustainability
Scientific Director Guido Caniglia and collaborators outline a pluralistic and integrated approach to classifying and connecting the diverse kinds of action-oriented knowledge identified in previous sustainability research.