Person Details

Stephanie is a biological anthropologist interested in understanding the dietary landscape accessed by human ancestors that enabled the evolution of large brains and complex cognition. During her PhD, she worked with the Hadza of Tanzania to investigate food acquisition and processing behaviors in how these alter the digestibility of plant food resources, mainly underground storage organs, or tubers. Through her research on digestion, Stephanie became interested in understanding the role of the gut microbiota in human nutritional acquisition, particularly in consideration of human foragers who often rely on refractory plant resources that are high in fiber. Her research ranges from work on reconstructing ancient microbiomes from human tissue to ethnographic modeling of food processing in understanding the dietary flexibility of present day humans. Stephanie Schnorr was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Oklahoma University and a KLI Postdoctoral Fellow. In September 2018, she was awared a Fellowship of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and now works as an NSF fellow at the KLI on her project "Relevance of Positive Selection on Human Salivary Amylase Gene."