Person Details

Christine Schwab
KLI for Evolution and Cognition Research
E-Mail: christine.schwab[at]
Phone: +43-2242-32390 19
Fax: +43-2242-32390 4
Christine Schwab studied cultural anthropology and sociology at as well as zoology at the University of Vienna. She held a PhD position in an FWF project and was responsible for establishing jackdaws as a new research species at the KLF (Konrad Lorenz Research Station) in Grünau, Upper Austria. In Spring 2009 she collaborated with Prof. Ronald Noë at the CNRS in Strasbourg, France, on biological markets. She was awarded the Laudimaxima Prize from the University of Vienna for promoting women in the natural sciences and mathematics. Since November 2009 she holds a postdoctoral fellowship at the KLI.