The "Altenberg Workshops in Theoretical Biology" address key questions of biological theories. Each workshop is organized by leading experts of a certain field who invite a group of international specialists to the KLI. The Altenberg Workshops aim to make conceptual progress and to generate initiatives of a distinctly interdisciplinary nature.
Event Details

Upcoming event: 5th Meeting of the Vienna Science Studies Laboratory
Save the date for the next meeting of the Vienna Science Studies Laboratory!
Date: 8th April 2024 (Monday)
Time: 3:00-4:30 PM
Venue: Das Café
The Vienna Science Studies Lab is an intra-institution initiative hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI), the UPSalon (University of Vienna), and the Epistemology of the In/human Project at Central European University (CEU).
Since 2022, the group has been successfully organising its meetings twice a year, each meeting themed on a paper chosen for discussion. The aim is to discuss issues of science, technology, and medicine studies with a particular focus on the epistemic, social, and ethical implications of scientific knowledge production. The group is committed to providing sufficient space for the perspectives of marginalized knowers when it comes to selecting topics, readings, as well as analytical frameworks.
The paper for the next meeting is: Anderson, W. (2004). Natural histories of infectious disease: Ecological vision in twentieth-century biomedical science. Osiris, 19, 39-61.
Join us for stimulating conversations over a cup of coffee or tea! Also feel free to invite others who might be interested!
Please let us know whether you’ll attend by replying to Sophie ( or Laura (