The KLI support international groups of scholars in the life and sustainability sciences working on interdisciplinary projects to conduct their groundbreaking research at the institute. KLI Focus Groups and Working Groups aim to develop ideas on a particular subject and generate suggestions for action. The participants have different scientific backgrounds and strive to develop specific, practical goals. Focus Groups are one-time meetings gathering and working together at the KLI for a period of one to maximum two weeks. Working Groups comprise 3 meetings over the course of one year and a half.
Event Details
Interactions between Emotion and Cognition and their Evolutionary Roots
1999-06-17 0:00 - 1999-06-19 0:00
KLI for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria
Organized by
The biological roots of different emotional states (or affects, feelings, moods) and their interactions with all kind of cognitive processes (attention, perception, memory, thinking and "logic" in a wide sense) are currently becoming a significant focus in different fields of science. A new understanding of cognition and thinking, where affectivity is no longer excluded, seems to be emerging, with interesting interdisciplinary implications.
Concerning cognition, naturalistic explanations related to elementary biology are already relatively advanced. Concerning emotion, in contrast, similar developments have hardly taken place so far, despite the fact that an adequate evolutionary understanding of mental phenomena seems only possible by an integration of both. - At the Konrad Lorenz Institute in Altenberg, possible theoretic approaches to such an integration have mainly been discussed, during the last years, in relation with the Evolutionary Emotion Theory proposed by Manfred Wimmer, and the theory of fractal affect logic proposed by Luc Ciompi which postulates selfsimilar analogies of affective-cognitive interactions on the evolutionary and human, individual and collective level (see the included summaries). During the planned workshop, these two theoretical approaches shall therefore serve as a starting point for an interdisciplinary in-depth discussion of the problem of relations between emotion and cognition on different evolutionary and structural levels of complexity.
G. MÜLLER (Vorstand des KLI) Biologisch evolutionäre Dimension
M. WIMMER (Österreich) Zur Entwicklung von Denk- Fühlwelten/Psychische Dimension
L. CIOMPI (Schweiz) Affektlogik: Die Rationalität der Gefühle/Soziokulturelle Dimension
G. VESTER (Deutschland) Die Funktionen der Gefühle in sozialen Systemen
W. BURKERT (Schweiz) Gefühl, Phantasie und Ritual