The KLI support international groups of scholars in the life and sustainability sciences working on interdisciplinary projects to conduct their groundbreaking research at the institute. KLI Focus Groups and Working Groups aim to develop ideas on a particular subject and generate suggestions for action. The participants have different scientific backgrounds and strive to develop specific, practical goals. Focus Groups are one-time meetings gathering and working together at the KLI for a period of one to maximum two weeks. Working Groups comprise 3 meetings over the course of one year and a half.
Event Details

Topic description / abstract:
Both health promotion research (HPR) and transdisciplinary sustainability research (TSR) are research fields that address grand societal challenges that affect not only the health of humans but also the natural life-support systems on earth on which we all depend. Further, both fields highlight the intertwining of health and environment at the center of these societal challenges. This leads to a mandate for science to not only better understand the interconnectedness of health and environment in various contexts at local, national and global levels, but also to develop and implement viable fair solution options at an increased pace to support fundamental transformations at the individual and societal level. In response to these demands, HPR and TSR have developed largely in parallel over the past more recently decades, without a more intensive exchange with regard to research objects, ethical and epistemological foundations. In my talk I aim to contribute to bridging HPR and TSR. In the first part, I will briefly introduce the historical roots of HPR. I will also present more recently developed key characteristics of HPR and compare them with some key characteristics of TSR. And then I will show some preliminary thoughts developed in the tdAcademy Fellow group "Transdisciplinary Research and its Scientific Impact" on the interconnection of health and environment. In the second part, I will engage with the participants more actively and conduct a moderated interactive group exchange based on selected key questions related to the topics presented.
Biographical note:
Jana Semrau is research Associate at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Sport Science and Sport (DSS), Germany. Jana‘s research focuses on the sustainable implementation and scaling up of population-based health promotion interventions in local communities with a specific focus on health equity. Her current work is located at the intersection of health promotion science and practice related to the nationwide implementation of the German Prevention Act in local communities.Jana coproduces her work in collaboration with transdisciplinary groups consisting of actors from research, politics, and practice as well as with citizens.