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Lecture Series / Picture
Lecture Series "Cognitive Biology"
2018-02-21 16:30 - 2018-02-21 19:00
Comenius University Bratislava
Organized by Comenius University Bratislava & KLI

Cognitive Biology

This course provides a comprehensive overview of principles of cognition, seen as a natural biological phenomenon. The main objective is the formulation of substantiated interrelation of cognition and evolution. The interdisciplinarity of research in cognitive biology requires students to think multi-disciplinary and on multiple scales.


The first lecture will be held on Wednesady, Feb 21, 2018 from 16:30 to 19:00 (exact time to be detemined). See more details in the schedule below.

Study materials

  • other research papers

The scientific concept of cognitive biology draws from the assumption that cognition is a natural biological phenomenon and can thus be approached by comparative studies of different types of organisms assuming a meaningful degree of continuity among them. The main objective is the formulation of substantiated interrelation of cognition and evolution. By understanding the underlying physicochemical and electrical principles of cognitive processes, cell-cell communication, and molecular mechanisms, the basics of homologous processes in increasingly complex systems (from simple model systems to humans and their socio-physical environment) can be tackled.


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