
The KLI Labs provide an experimental space for alternative formats such as dissussion platforms, practice talks, feedback rounds for manuscript drafts, reading clubs, etc. 

Event Details

10th AWTB
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Altenberg Workshop
Modeling Biology: Structures, Behavior, Evolution
10th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology
2004-07-08 18:00 - 2004-07-11 12:30
KLI for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria
Organized by Luciano da Fontoura Costa and Gerd B. Müller

In the biosciences, the rapidly growing amount of experimental results and the increasing complexity of the phenomena under investigation pose an unprecedented challenge for the interpretation and integration of the accumulated data. Abstraction and modeling are required. Due to the improvement of computational methods, the modeling of biological phenomena has reached a completely new stage. It is now possible to model spatial and temporal interactions of nearly all processes in hitherto unknown detail, and with increasing sophistication. The generation of models promotes the organization of data and knowledge, the formulation of hypotheses, the estimation of measures, and the analysis and classification of results. At the same time, bottom up models elucidate the properties of natural biological systems. Therefore, the concepts and methods used in modeling and simulation are a key for major advances in the biological sciences. The present workshop investigates the ways in which the new modeling strategies help and influence our understanding of biological processes.