Person Details

Marco Lehmann-Waffenschmidt studied mathematics and economics at the University of Heidelberg and the ETH Zürich. At the University of Karlsruhe (1983-1993) he obtained his diploma in mathematics, was an assistant professor, and received his doctorate and habilitation in economics. After holding research positions at the universities of Bonn and St. Gallen and at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute in Ulm, he was appointed as professor for Managerial Economics at the Department of Economics of the Technical University of Dresden. He was engaged in building up the Department of Economics of the Technical University of Dresden and in the German reunification process, e.g., as member of advisory boards of the government and parliament of the State of Saxony (recently in the “Sächsische Diätenkommission” for developing a new law on remunerations of the members of the Saxonian parliament).
Lehmann-Waffenschmidt teaches applied and behavioral microeconomics at the University of Dresden. His main research fields are mathematical economics, evolutionary economics, economics of sustainable development, and behavioral and experimental economics. He is actively engaged in the establishment of evolutionary economics in the teaching canon of economics and is the scientific organizer of an international workshop series for young economists in evolutionary economics (“International Buchenbach Workshop for Young Evolutionary Economists”).