Person Details

Hari Sridhar is a senior fellow at KLI and oversees the oral history programme of the Archives at NCBS (National Centre for Biological Sciences). Hari is currently involved in two Oral History projects examining the contemporary history of conservation in India, especially in relation to the intersection of ecological knowledge and conservation practice. Over the last eight years, Hari has also led another interview project with authors of classic papers in Ecology and Evolution ( Hari’s other major research interest lies in understanding the causes and consequences of heterospecific sociality, a topic he researched during his PhD and post-doctoral years at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and which he continues to stay in touch with through collaborative projects. In addition to doing research, Hari is a visiting lecturer at Azim Premji University and National Centre for Biological Sciences in Bengaluru, and has been an editor of the magazine Current Conservation.