Project Details
2022-11-14 - 2024-09-30 | Research area: Sustainability Research
The project I pursue at the KLI stems from my experience with climate change effects on plants during my post-doc. Plants produce chemical defense compounds in response to biotic (herbivores) and abiotic stresses (heat and drought). In edible plants, these ‘defense chemicals’ are what we call ‘flavors’. I plan to investigate how climate change affects food plants in terms of flavors, growth and yield. During my stay in KLI, I plan to conduct a literature survey of published work on this topic and write up a summary paper on how plant-based food will be affected by a future warmer climate. With that as the base, I will then work on more nuanced questions within this broad framework, and how to collect data for future work. I also plan to explore the impact of climate warming on possible eco-evolutionary dynamics of food plants, and what that implies for future wild edible plants, and communities that use them.