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ZARA workshop
Professional development at the KLI

Each winter, the KLI organizes a two-part professional development workshop for our fellows to get to know each other-- both as people and as researchers.

Part 1: ZARA introductory workshop (Nov 10, 2022)

Part one concerns the complexities and contexts we use to identify and understand each person. Led by the Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit (ZARA, Civil Courage and Anti-racism-work), the goal of the workshop is to help our fellows develop sensitivities for the different cultural, social, and socio-economic backgrounds that inhabit the KLI space. The ZARA workshops are not just an engaging format for our researchers to introduce themselves to each other. It's also important for our fellows to know that ZARA is there for them if they experience or witness any hate crimes.


The ZARA workshop


Part 2: Research mini-symposium (Nov 15, 2022)

Part two is about pitching and sharing our research. In this research mini-symposium, fellows present an elevator speech of their work in four minutes. However, instead of giving each other critical feedback-- a practice we are all well-versed in as research scholars-- the fellows are asked to write down concrete, positive comments to each speaker.


Mini-symposium. Here, visiting fellow Joyshree Chanam is talking about her work on symbiosis.