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Pigliucci, Massimo and Müller, Gerd B.

Elements of an extended evolutionary synthesis

MIT Press, 2010

Pigliucci, Massimo and Sterelny, Kim and Callebaut, Werner

The meaning of "Theory" in biology [Editorial]


Poliseli Luana and Russo Federica

Philosophy of science in practice and weak scientism together apart

Roman & Littlefield, 2022

Poliseli Luana, Coutinho Jeferson G.E., Viana Blandina, Russo Federica, and El-Hani Charbel N.

Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building


Poliseli, Luana and Machado Pinto Leite, Clarissa

Developing transdisciplinary practices: an interplay between disagreement and trust  

Routledge, 2021

Poliseli, Luana; El Hani, Charbel N.

Imagination in science

SpringerBriefs in Psychology, 2020

Prado-Simón, Leyre and Martinón-Torres, María and Baca, Pilar and Olejniczak, Anthony J. and Gómez-Robles, Aida and Lapresa, María and Arsuaga, Juan Luis and Bermúdez de Castro, José María

Three-dimensional evaluation of root canal morphology in lower second premolars of early and middle Pleistocene human populations from Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)


Rafiqi, Ab. Matteen; Rajakumar, Arjuna an Abouheif, Ehab

Origin and elaboration of a major evolutionary transition in individuality


Rajakumar, Rajendhran and Koch, Sophie and Couture, Mélanie and Favé, Marie-Julie and Lillico-Ouachour, Angelica and Chen, Travis and De Blasis, Giovanna and Rajakumar, Arjuna and Ouellette, Dominic and Abouheif, Ehab

Social regulation of a rudimentary organ generates complex worker-caste systems in ants


Rajakumar, Rajendhran and San Mauro, Diego and Dijkstra, Michiel B. and Huang, Ming H. and Wheeler, Diana E. and Hiou-Tim, Francois and Khila, Abdarrahman and Cournoyea, Michael and Abouheif, Ehab

Ancestral developmental potential facilitates parallel evolution in ants


Rampelli, Simone; Turroni, Silvia; Mallol, Carolina; Hernandez, Cristo; Galván, Bertila; Sistiaga, Ainara; Biagi, Elena; Astolfi, Annalisa; Brigidi, Patrizia; Benazzi, Stefano; Lewis Jr., Cecil M.; Warinner, Christina; Hofman, Courtney A.; Schnorr, Stephanie L. and Candela; Marco

Components of a Neanderthal gut microbiome recovered from fecal sediments from El Salt


Range, Friederike and Heucke, Silke L. and Gruber, Christina and Konz, Astrid and Huber, Ludwig and Virányi, Zsófia

The effect of ostensive cues on dogs' performance in a manipulative social learning task


Range, Friederike and Horn, Lisa and Virányi, Zsófia and Huber, Ludwig

Effort and reward: inequity aversion in domestic dogs?


Range, Friederike and Horn, Lisa and Virányi, Zsófia and Huber, Ludwig

The absence of reward induces inequity aversion in dogs


Range, Friederike and Viranyi, Zsófia and Huber, Ludwig

Selective imitation in domestic dogs


Rasskin-Gutman, Diego

Russell's Turkey and the death of a thinker


Rasskin-Gutman, Diego

Chess Metaphores. Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind

MIT Press, 2009

Rasskin-Gutman, Diego

Metaforas de Ajedrez: La Mente Humana y la Inteligencia Cientifica

La Casa del Ajedrez, 2006

Rasskin-Gutman, Diego and De Renzi, Miquel

Pere Alberch: The Creative Trajectory of an Evo-Devo Biologist

Universitat de València, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2009

Rasskin-Gutman, Diego and Esteve-Altava, Borja

Connecting the dots: anatomical network analysis in morphological EvoDevo


Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Reid, Robert G. B.

Biological Emergences. Evolution by Natural Experiment

MIT Press, 2007

Reiss, John O. and Burke, Ann C. and Archer, Charles and De Renzi, Miquel and Dopazo, Hernán and Etxeberría, Arantza and Gale, Emily A. and Hinchliffe, J. Richard and Garcia, Laura Nuño de la Rosa and Rose, Chris S. and Rasskin-Gutman, Diego and Müller, Gerd B.

Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo


Renck Vítor, Apgaua Deborah M.G., Tng David Y.P., Bollettin Paride, Ludwig David, El-Hani Charbel N.

Cultural consensus and intracultural diversity in ethnotaxonomy: lessons from a fishing community in Northeast Brazil


Renck Vitor, Ludwig David, Bollettin Paride and El-Hani Charbel N.

Exploring partial overlaps between knowledge systems in a Brazilian fishing community


Renck Vitor, Ludwig David, Bollettin Paride, Reis-Filho José Amorim, Poliseli Luana, El-Hani Charbel N.

Taking Fishers’ Knowledge and its Implications to Fisheries Policy Seriously


Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg

Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube

Stanford University Press, 1997

Riedl, R. and Delpos, Manuela

Die Ursachen des Wachstums. Unsere Chancen zur Umkehr

Kremayr & Scheriau, 1996

Riedl, Rupert

Wandel in der bildenden Kunst

Austria Medien Service GmbH, 2001

Riedl, Rupert and Delpos, Manuela

Die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie im Spiegel der Wissenschaften

Wiener Universitätsverlag, 1996

Riedl, Rupert and Delpos, Manuela

Die Ursachen des Wachstums: Unsere Chancen zum Umkehr

Kremayr & Scherlau, 1996

Riedl, Rupert and Delpos, Manuela

Die Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie im Spiegel der Wissenschaften

WUV, 1996

Rigosi, Elisa and Frasnelli, Elisa and Vinegoni, Claudio and Antolini, Renzo and Anfora, Gianfranco and Vallortigara, Giorgio and Haase, Albrecht

Searching for anatomical correlates of olfactory lateralization in the honeybee antennal lobes: a morphological and behavioural study


Robert, Jason Scott

Embryology, Epigenesis, and Evolution: Taking Development Seriously

Cambridge University Press, 2004

Rogers, Lesley J. and Rigosi, Elisa and Frasnelli, Elisa and Vallortigara, Giorgio

A right antenna for social behaviour in honeybees


Rohlfshagen, Philipp and Bryson, Joanna J.

Improved animal-like maintenance of homeostatic goals via flexible latching

AAAI Press, 2008

Rosas, Alejandro

El proyecto de explicación darwinista del comportamiento moral

Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos, 2011

Rosas, Alejandro

Levels of Selection in Synergy


Ruiz-Mirazo, Kepa and Moreno, Alvaro

Autonomy in evolution: From minimal to complex life


Ruttenberg, Alan and Rees, Jonathan A. and Samwald, Matthias and Marshall, M. Scott

Life sciences on the Semantic Web: the Neurocommons and beyond


Samwald, Matthias and Chen, Huajun and Ruttenberg, Alan and Lim, Ernest and Marenco, Luis and Miller, Perry and Shepherd, Gordon and Cheung, Kei-Hoi

Semantic SenseLab: Implementing the vision of the Semantic Web in neuroscience


Samwald, Matthias and Lim, Ernest and Masiar, Peter and Marenco, Luis and Chen, Huajun and Morse, Thomas and Mutalik, Pradeep and Shepherd, Gordon and Miller, Perry and Cheung, Kei-Hoi

Entrez Neuron RDFa: A pragmatic Semantic Web application for data integration in neuroscience research


Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Samwald, Matthias and Lim, Ernest and Masiar, Peter and Marenco, Luis and Chen, Huajun and Morse, Thomas and Mutalik, Pradeep and Shepherd, Gordon and Miller, Perry and Cheung, Kei-Hoi

Entrez Neuron RDFa: A Pragmatic Semantic Web Application for Data Integration in Neuroscience Research

IOS Press, 2009


Neuroplastizität und soziale Bindungen

Beltz Juventa, 2023

Sarto-Jackson Isabella, Müller Gerd B., and Newman Stuart A.

George McGhee—Visionary Scientist and Pioneer in Evo-Devo


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella

How to bake a brain: yeast as a model neuron


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and Larson, Daniel O. and Callebaut, Werner

Culture, neurobiology, and human behavior: New perspectives in anthropology


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and MacLeod, Miles and Handschuh, Stephan and Frischer, Christoph and Lang, Julia and Schlumpp, Martin and Callebaut, Werner

A piecewise aggregation of (some) philosophers' and biologists' perspectives


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and Richards, Robert J. and Nelson, Richard R.

Quality and quantity: limits of quantification in the sciences


Sarto-Jackson, Isabella and Tomaska, Lubomir

Simple minds — yeast as a model neuron


Schaefer, Katrin and Mitteroecker, Philipp and Fink, Bernhard and Bookstein, Fred L.

Psychomorphospace - From biology to perception, and back: Towards an integrated quantification of facial form variation


Schaefer, Katrin and Windhager, Sonja and Slice, Dennis E. and Mitteroecker, Philipp

A man's face reveals his body height: a GMM approach to ontogenetic and static allometry


Scheibehenne, Benjamin and Wilke, Andreas and Todd, Peter M.

Expectations of clumpy resources influence predictions of sequential events


Schlosser, Gerhard and Wagner, Günter P.

Modularity in Development and Evolution

University of Chicago Press, 2003

Schlüter Maja, Caniglia Guido, Orach Kirill, Bodin Örjan, Magliocca Nicolas, Meyfroidt Patrick, and Reyers Belinda

Why Care about Theories? Innovative Ways of Theorizing in Sustainability Science


Schmidt, Marco F.H. and Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan and Tomasello, Michael

Children’s developing metaethical judgments


Schmidt, Marco F.H. and Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan and Tomasello, Michael

Children´s developing metaethical judgements


Schnorr, Stephanie L. and Candela, Marco and Rampelli, Simone and Centanni, Manuela and Consolandi, Clarissa and Basaglia, Giulia and Turroni, Silvia and Biagi, Elena and Peano, Clelia and Severgnini, Marco and Fiori, Jessica and Gotti, Roberto and De Bellis, Gianluca and Luiselli, Donata and Brigidi, Patrizia and Mabulla, Audax and Marlowe, Frank and Henry, Amanda G. and Crittenden, Alyssa N.

Gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers


Schnorr, Stephanie L. and Hofman, Courtney A. and Netshifhefhe, Shandukani R. and Duncan, Frances D. and Honap, Tanvi P. and Lesnik, Julie and Lewis, Cecil M.

Taxonomic features and comparisons of two edible fungus-farming termites (Macrotermes falciger; M. natalensis) harvested in the Vhembe district of Limpopo, South Africa


Schuster Carolin, Goseberg Tami, Arnold Janina, and Sundermann Anna

I share because of who I am: values, identities, norms, and attitudes explain sharing intentions


Schwab, Christine and Swoboda, Ruth and Kotrschal, Kurt and Bugnyar, Thomas

Recipients affect prosocial and altruistic choices in jackdaws, Corvus monedula


Schwab, Christine and Swoboda, Ruth and Kotrschal, Kurt and Bugnyar, Thomas

Recipients affect prosocial altruistic choices in jackdaws, Corvus monedula


Schwitzgebel, Eric and Huang, Linus Ta-Lun and Higgins, Andrew and Gonzalez-Cabrera, Ivan

The insularity of anglophone philosophy: Quantitative analyses


Scott, Nadia A. and Strauss, André and Hublin, Jean-Jacques and Gunz, Philipp and Neubauer, Simon

Covariation of the endocranium and splanochranium during great ape ontogeny


Shettleworth, Sara J.

Cognition, Evolution and Behavior

Oxford University Press, 1998