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Strauss Bernhard

Towards an Epigenetic Theory of Phenotypic Evolution

1999-03-01 - 2000-01-31

Philosophy of Biology
Stephan Achim

Von der Unvorhersagbarkeit zur Selbstorganisation

1999-02-01 - 1999-03-31

History of Biology
Hofer Veronika

Zur Geschichte der Theoretischen Biologie in Österreich

1999-01-01 - 1999-12-31

Cognition and Sociality
Griebel Ulrike

Spatial Probability Learning in Octopus

1998-09-01 - 2001-06-30

Cognition and Sociality
Kovac Ladislav

Bioenergetics and Molecular and Evolutionary Biology in an Approach to Recognition and Cognition

1998-04-01 - 1999-04-30

Cognition and Sociality
Lipp Wolfgang

Ursprünge der Familie in der Humanevolution

1997-12-01 - 1998-03-31

Cognition and Sociality
Voelkl Bernhard

Usage of Social Information in the Foraging Behavior of Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

1997-07-01 - 2000-07-31

Cognition and Sociality
Weinich Detlef

Zurück zur Natur' - Fortschritt oder Niedergang?

1997-04-01 - 1997-04-30

Mueller Stefan

Evolution formaler Organisation

1996-02-01 - 1998-02-28

Cognition and Sociality
von Stein Astrid

Repräsentation in künstlichen und biologischen neuronalen Systemen

1994-07-01 - 1995-07-31

Cognition and Sociality
Ciompi Luc

Affective-Cognitive Interactions According to the Concept of Fractal Affect-Logic

1994-01-01 - 1995-12-31

Cognition and Sociality
Stotz Karola

Systemtheoretische Betrachtungen der kognitiven und sozialen Entwicklung

1993-07-01 - 1995-12-31

Cognition and Sociality
Krall Eva

Evolution von Mnemotechnologien

1992-05-01 - 1994-08-31

Cognition and Sociality
Lalouschek Wolfgang

Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Entscheidungsfindung

1990-07-01 - 1992-07-31

Cognition and Sociality
Wimmer Manfred

Biological, Mental, and Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Emotions

1990-01-01 - 1992-09-30

Cognition and Sociality
Khalil Elias

Why Natural Selection Cannot Explain Rationality