Müller, Gerd B.
Homologie und Analogie: Die vergleichende Methode in Morphologie und Ethologie
Filander, 2001
Müller, Gerd B.
Developmental mechanisms at the origin of morphological novelty: A side-effect hypothesis
University of Chicago Press, 1990
Müller, Gerd B. and Nemeschkal, Hans L.
Zoologie im Hauch der Moderne: Vom Typus zum offenen System
Vienna University Press | V&R Unipress, 2015
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Müller, Gerd B. and Newman, Stuart A.
Origination of Organismal Form
MIT Press, 2003
Müller, Gerd B. and Newman, Stuart A.
Origination of organismal form: The forgotten cause in evolutionary theory
MIT Press, 2003
Novartis Foundation Symposia
Müller, Gerd B. and Newman, Stuart A.
Generation, Integration, Autonomy: Three steps in the evolution of Homology
Wiley, 1999
Müller, Gerd B. and Streicher, Johannes and Müller, Romana J.
Homeotic duplication of the pelvic body segment in regenerating tadpole tails induced by retinoic acid
Nanjundiah, Vidyanandan and Morange, Michel
Aging, sex ratio, and genomic imprinting: functional and evolutionary explanations in biology
Nemec Michael, Schwarz Linda, Bertl Michael H., Bertl Kristina, Gahleitner André, Mitteroecker Philipp, and Jonke Erwin
Maxillary lateral incisor agenesis is associated with maxillary form: a geometric morphometric analysis
Neuberger Sabine, Knickel Marina, Klerkx Laurens, Saatkamp Helmut, Darr Dietrich, and Oude lansink Alfons
Do innovation support services meet the needs of agri-food SMEs in cross-border regions? A case study from the Euregio Rhine-Waal
Newman, Stuart A. and Forgacs, Gabor and Müller, Gerd B.
Before programs: the physical origination of multicellular forms
Newman, Stuart A. and Müller, Gerd B.
Genes and form: Inherency in the evolution of developmental mechanisms
Duke University Press, 2006
Newman, Stuart A. and Müller, Gerd B.
Origination and innovation in the vertebrate limb skeleton: An epigenetic perspective
Newman, Stuart A. and Müller, Gerd B.
Epigenetic mechanisms of character origination
Academic Press, 2001
Nicholson, Daniel J.
Review of ‘Genesis Redux: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Life‘.
Nisioti Eleni, Clark Colby, Kunal Das Kaushik, Ernst Ekkehard, Friedenberg Nicholas A., Gates Emily, Lambros Maryl, Lazurko Anita, Puzović Nataša, and Salas llvanna
Resilience-Towards an interdisciplinary definition using information theory
Noble, Denis E. and Jablonka, Eva and Joyner, Michael J. and Müller, Gerd B. and Omholt, Stig W.
Evolution evolves: physiology returns to centre stage
Noedl, Marie-Therese and Kerbl, Alexandra and Walzl, Manfred G. and Müller, Gerd B. and de Couet, Heinz Gert
The cephalopod arm crown: appendage formation and differentiation in the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes
Nosek, Jozef and Tomáška, L'Ubomír and Fukuhara, Hiroshi and Suyama, Yoshitaka and Kováč, Ladislav
Linear mitochondrial genomes: 30 years down the line
Nuño de la Rosa Garcia, Laura
On the possible, the conceivable, and the actual in evolutionary theory. A critical review of Gustavo Caponi's requiem for the centaurus
Nuño de la Rosa García, Laura
The Concept of Organismal Form in Contemporary Biology: a Philosophical Examination
Nuño de la Rosa Garcia, Laura
El Concepto De Forma En La Biologia Contemporánea. Examen Filosófico
PhD thesis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012
Nuno de la Rosa Garcia, Laura and Müller, Gerd B.
Evolutionary developmental biology – a reference guide
Springer, 2018
Nuño de la Rosa Garcia, Laura and Müller, Gerd B. and Metscher, Brian D.
The lateral mesodermal divide: an epigenetic model of the origin of paired fins
Nuno de la Rosa Garcia, Laura and Pavlicev, Mihaela and Etxeberria, Arantza
Rethinking the individuality of pregnancy: Eutherian pregnancy as an evolved relational novelty
Nuño de la Rosa, Laura; Pavličev, Mihaela and Etxeberria, Arantza
Pregnant females as historical individuals: an insight from the philosophy of Evo-Devo
O´Brien Michael J. and Lala Kevin N.
Culture and evolvability: A brief archeological perspective
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
O'Brien, Michael J. and Shennan, Stephen J.
Innovation in Cultural Systems. Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology
MIT Press, 2009
Oeser, Erhard
Geschichte der Hirnforschung: Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Historische Analyse und Rekonstruktion der wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen der Biologie
Primus Verlag, 2002
Oeser, Erhard
Evolution und Selbstkonstruktion des Rechts. Rechtsphilosophie als Entwicklungstheorie der praktischen Vernunft
Böhlau, 1990
Oettler, Jan and Platschek, Tobias and Schmidt, Christine and Rajakumar, Rajendhran and Favé, Marie-Julie and Khila, Abderrahman and Heinze, Jürgen and Abouheif, Ehab
Interruption points in the wing gene regulatory network underlying wing polyphenism evolved independently in male and female morphs in Cardiocondyla ants
Oller, D. K. and Niyogi, P. and Gray, S. and Richards, J. A. and Gilkerson, J. and Xu, D. and Yapanel, U. and Warren, S. F.
Automated vocal analysis of naturalistic recordings from children with autism, language delay, and typical development
Oller, D. Kimbrough and Buder, Eugene H. and Ramsdell, Heather L. and Warlaumont, Anne S. and Chorna, Lesya and Bakeman, Roger
Functional flexibility of infant vocalization and the emergence of language
Oller, D. Kimbrough and Caskey, Melinda and Yoo, Hyunjoo and Bene, Edina R. and Jhang, Yuna and Lee, Chia-Cheng and Bowman, Dale D. and Long, Helen L. and Buder, Eugene H. and Vohr, Betty
Preterm and full term infant vocalization and the origin of language
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Oller, D. Kimbrough and Griebel, Ulrike
Evolution of Communicative Flexibility. Complexity, Creativity, and Adaptability in Human and Animal Communication
MIT Press, 2008
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Oller, D. Kimbrough and Griebel, Ulrike
Evolution of Communication Systems
MIT Press, 2004
Oller, D. Kimbrough and Griebel, Ulrike and Iyer, Suneeti Nathani and Jhang, Yuna and Warlaumont, Anne S. and Dale, Rick and Call, Josep
Language origins viewed in spontaneous and interactive vocal rates of human and bonobo infants
Oller, D. Kimbrough; Griebel, Ulrike; Bowman, Dale D; Bene, Edina; Long, Helen L.; Yoo, Hyunjoo and Ramsay, Gordon
Infant boys are more vocal than infant girls
Wenner-Gren International Series
Olsson, L. and Jacobson, C.-O.
Regulatory Processes in Development
Portland Press, 2000
Olsson, Lennart
Against natural selection and g: Douglas Melin and the Swedish Amazonas Expedition 1923-1925
Olsson, Lennart and Ericsson, Rolf and Cerny, Robert
Vertebrate head development: Segmentation, novelties, and homology
Olsson, Lennart and Hoßfeld, Uwe and Breidbach, Olaf
Preface: From evolutionary morphology to the modern synthesis and "evo-devo": Historical and contemporary perspectives
Olsson, Lennart and Levit, Georgy S. and Hoßfeld, Uwe
Evolutionary developmental biology: Its concepts and history with a focus on Russian and German contributions
Osuský, Milan and Kissová, Jana and Kováč, Ladislav
Interspecies transplacement of mitochondria in yeasts
Palmblad Jonatan and DeWitt Jessica
Communicating Environmental History: Reaching Diverse Audiences through Online Forums
Routledge, 2023
Passant, Alexandre and Samwald, Matthias and Breslin, John and Decker, Stefan
Federating distributed social data to build an interlinked online information society
WebScience Trust, 2009
Pavlicev, Mihaela and Wagner, Günter P.
A Model of Developmental Evolution: Selection, Pleiotropy, and Compensation
Pavlicev, Mihaela and Wagner, Günter P.
A model of developmental evolution: selection, pleiotropy, compensation
Pavlicev, Mihaela and Wagner, Günter P. and Noonan, James P. and Hallgrimsson, Benedikt and Cheered, James M.
Genomic correlates of relationship QTL involved in fore- versus hind limb divergence in mice
Pélabon, Christophe and Bolstad, Geir H. and Egset, Camilla K. and Cheverud, James M. and Pavlicev, Mihaela and Rosenqvist, Gunilla
On the relationship between ontogenetic and static allometry
Pellegrini, A. and Teschler-Nicola, M. and Mitteroecker, Philipp and Bookstein, Fred L.
Geometric morphometrics craniofacial analysis of early bronze age Austrian populations
Peterson, Tim and Müller, Gerd B.
Development finite element analysis of cichlid pharyngeal jaws: Quantifying the generation of a key innovation
Peterson, Tim and Müller, Gerd B.
Phenotypic novelty in EvoDevo: the distinction between continuous and discontinuous variation and its importance in evolutionary theory
Peterson, Tim and Müller, Gerd B.
What is evolutionary novelty? Process versus character based definitions
Piekarski, Nadine and Olsson, Lennart
A somitic contribution to the pectoral girdle in the axolotl revealed by long-term fate mapping
Pigliucci, Massimo and Boudry, Maarten
Philosophy of Pseudoscience: Reconsidering the Demarcation Problem
University of Chicago Press, 2013
Pigliucci, Massimo and Müller, Gerd B.
Foreword to Evolution: The Modern Synthesis; The definitive edition
MIT Press, 2010