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ClimArtLab: interventions for change
Call for artists to participate in ClimArtLab project

The challenging and disruptive times in 2020 made questions on how to bounce forward into novel, sustainable and interconnected futures more than urgent. Owning our mess, instead of being owned by our mess, asks how to ignite individual awareness, empowerment, and creative action in navigating the real-life environmental and societal challenges of our contemporary world. Wicked problems are immersed in complex networks of tensions and contradictions such as local and global interconnectedness and dependencies, which make decision-making processes challenging. Multi-dimensional approaches are needed for the evolution of our societies. Art-science collaborations are increasingly tapped as tools for mediating conflicts as they animate the articulation of environmental, social and cultural values, create visions and imaginative future scenarios and draw on embodied experiences as a generator for change.

The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Klosterneuburg and the think tank artEC/Oindustry are thus embarking in an interdisciplinary collaboration that mobilizes the arts and the sciences to contribute to regenerative and transformative approaches to the evolution of life on earth. The ClimArtLab, funded by StartClim2020, sets the stage for a highly experimental space, where we broaden art-science approaches and ask:

How can we as individuals and society step away from fear, be conscious and responsible of our ‘mess’ and find pro-environmental and -societal agency?

In other words, how can art-science interventions generate intrinsic motivation and creative self-action for change?

You can learn more about the details of the call here: