KLI Colloquium: Stuart NEWMAN
Join us for the KLI Colloquium by Stuart NEWMAN on 18 OCTOBER 2017, 4.30 pm!
KLI at EuroEvoDevo 2022, Naples
The KLI was present as both a sponsor and as attendees, with fellows and faculty presenting on the historical and philosophical aspects of evo-devo.
Kicking off a new KLI Working Group: Evolutionary Theories for Social-Ecological Change
The working group explores the value of evolutionary mechanisms for explaining complex social-ecological change.
Kick-off Meeting of the ATTRACT project at CERN (project coordinator KLI Senior Fellow Wim Hordijk)
We congratulate KLI Senior Fellow Wim Hordijk for being awarded one of the ATTRACT projects funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the EU.
June issue of Biological Theory
Biological Theory’s June issue (16:2) is now available online.
Josef Popper-Lynkeus, Otto Neurath, and the Other Austrian Economics: ontology, epistemology, facts, and values
KLI fellow and historian of economics Marco P. Vianna Franco investigates how resource flows and value-based judgements served as inputs to socially-inclusive economic plans
Jacob Weger on ontologies of environmental governance
KLI fellow Jacob Weger and colleagues examine the ontological assumptions underlying modern environmental governance and look to other cultures for alternative ways to create a more just and sustainable world.
ISHPSSB 2021 Werner Callebaut Prize awarded to Marina DiMarco
Marina DiMarco's winning paper - (re)Producing mtEve - was presented at ISHPSSB 2019
Isabella Sarto-Jackson invited to speak on Austrian national radio ORF: How we optimally support children: Elementary education, brain development, research and the challenges of our present
Isabella was invited to speak on national radio, ORF, yesterday, on the show Punkt Eins mit Barbara Zeithammer. The theme was, "How we optimally support children: Elementary education, brain development, research and the challenges of our present" (click on title to read on.)
Isabella Sarto-Jackson invited by Das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung to participate in the event Science Talks organised by the ministry
Isabella Sarto-Jackson was invited by the Das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) to participate in “Science Talks” an event that promotes dialogue between researchers and interested public and stakeholders. (Click on title to read on.)
Isabella Sarto-Jackson interviewed on The Dissenter Youtube Chanel
Isabella Sarto-Jackson discusses her book "The Making and Breaking of Minds" with Ricardo Lopes on The Dissenter, a popular YouTube channel.
In her conversation with Ricardo, for the episode titled "Exploring the Influence of Social Interactions on the Human Mind," Isabella delves into various aspects of human psychology, environmental factors, niche construction, gene-culture coevolution, mechanisms, and limitations of neuroplasticity and more.
(Click on title to read more!)
Is the cell really a machine?
The latest article by KLI Senior Fellow Dan Nicholson has been highly recommended in F1000Prime as being of "exceptional significance" in its field by two F1000 Faculty Members.
Is knowledge just another buzzword in the sustainability sciences?
New systematic review by Apetrei, Caniglia, von Wehrden, and Lang analyzes five different entry points by which knowledge is approached by the sustainability sciences.
Investigation of the History and Philosophy of Cybernetics in Biology, Yields More Than Just a Theory of Machines
Flavia FABRIS (KLI), 10 December 2020, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.
Interview: Why matter matters when it comes to minds: a conversation with David Harrison
David Harrison talks about the core philosophical insights, the practical implications, and the motivations behind their new paper: “Mind the matter: Active matter, soft robotics, and the making of bio-inspired artificial intelligence.”
Interview: Philosophy in and for sustainability science
Guido Caniglia on doing philosophy in and for sustainability science for the Society for Philosophy of science in practice (SPSP).
Interview with Barbara Fischer
Barbara Fischer joined the KLI on the 1st of April as the Group Leader (Evolutionary Biology). She talks to Joyshree Chanam about her earlier time at the KLI as a post-doctoral fellow, and her current role at the institute.
Interview in Biosemiotics: Gerd B. Müller on Theoretical Biology
Gerd B. Müller, president of the KLI, was recently interviewed by Kalevi Kull on theoretical biology and the development and vision of the KLI.
Intersecting Health Promotion and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research: Challenges and Opportunities
Jana SEMRAU (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg), 2024-03-25 15:00 (CET).
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Neuroscience and Philosophy on 24 June 2024: Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain
This is a Satellite Symposium that takes place ahead of the FENS Forum 2024 and ventures into the intersection between neuroscience and philosophy. Date: 24 June 2024, Time: 3.00–7.00 pm, Venue: Sky Lounge, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna.
The sessions are chaired by: Igor Branchi, Isabella Sarto-Jackson, Markus Kunze, Thomas Bugnyar, Jan-Pieter Konsman, Fátima Sofia Ávila-Cascajares. Due to space limitation, please register for this event! (Click on title for details)