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Casting doubt on certifications for sustainable palm oil production

Analyzing over three decades of high-resolution satellite images, Cazzolla Gatti and Velichevskaya argue that the "sustainable palm oil" certification can greenwash the production of this tropical crop.


Career Options for Academic PostDocs: Preparing the next steps

Professional Development Talk: Anke ZERM (Leuphana University) Thursday 29 November, 11.00 am (!) Guests are very welcome!


Capacities for Resilience

Jamila HAIDER (Stockholm Resilience Centre), 2024-01-25 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Cancer and the environment: a critical review by Roberto Cazzolla Gatti

KLI fellow Roberto Cazzolla Gatti reviews what we know about carcinogens in the air, water, and soil.



KLI Colloquium: Lumila MENÉNDEZ (KLI), 20 November, 3.00 pm Solving a Human Anatomy Puzzle: Virtual Reconstruction and Morphometric Analysis of a High-Altitude Peruvian Skull


CANCELLED!! Building a Healthy (Microbial) Community: Establishment of the Gut Microbiota in Infants and its Role in Immune and Brain Development

CANCELLATION of [br] KLI Colloquium: David BERRY (University of Vienna), 5 November 2020, 3.00 pm.


CANCELLED! Why the Empirical and the Ethical Need to Reconsider their Connection

Due to unforeseen circumstances Henrik von WEHRDEN's talk is cancelled!


Can We Understand an Insect Society, and Why Should We Care?

KLI Colloquium: Raghavendra GADAGKAR (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), 14 November 2019, 5.00 pm


Call for artists to participate in ClimArtLab project

Open call for artists based in Austria and/or with easy access to Klosterneuburg, NÖ, Austria.


Call for Applications: Sixth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS)

Hosted by PhilinBioMed, this year's theme is “Dealing with Complexity in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences"


Building a Healthy (Microbial) Community: Establishment of the Gut Microbiota in Infants and its Role in Immune and Brain Development

David BERRY (University of Vienna), 20 May 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Bucherscheinung The Making and Breaking of Minds – ein Interview von Lynn CHIU mit Isabella SARTO-JACKSON

„Mein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf den konstruktiven und destruktiven Wirkkräften, die neuroplastische Prozesse vorantreiben. Diese Wirkkräfte werden über Eltern, alloparentale Bezugspersonen, Gleichaltrige sowie über unsere sozioökonomische Nische weitergegeben.“


Book review: Jacob Stegenga, Care & Cure. An introduction to philosophy of medicine, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 2018

In her comprehensive book review, Isabella Sarto-Jackson draws attention to "Care and Cure: An Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine" by Jacob Stegenga, published in 2018. Isabella emphasizes the ongoing relevance of the book, especially in light of the heightened public interest in health and medicine following the recent global pandemic. Opening with the line, “It is the best of times and it is the worst of times to grapple with philosophy of medicine”, Isabella highlights the increasingly widening chasm that separates scientific progress in biomedical research and science skepticism and denialism: a tale of two contrasting narratives. While this book started as an introduction to the philosophy of medicine, Isabella suggests that the book serves as a fine place to catch up with contemporary discourse rather than relying on superficial internet searches. In her lucid, well-structured writing, Isabella gives a comprehensive and balanced review of this book. (click on title to read more...)


Book Review Forum: Pollution Is Colonialism by Max Liboiron, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2021

This book review forum, published in the journal Landscape Research is compiled by Laura Menatti (book review editor) alongwith Emma Waterson (Editor-in-Chief), with reviews contributed by Rosie 'Anolani Alegado (kanaka 'oiwi), tebrakunna country, Emma Lee, Niiyokamigaabaw Deondre Smiles, Tim Waterman and the book’s author Max Liboiron.


Biological Theory’s September issue is out

The editors summarize issue 18(3)—which includes a debate on the evolution of consciousness and a new look at the role of abiotic stressors on immune systems—out this month, with free reading links for articles.


Biological Theory’s September 2022 issue is available now!

Volume 17, issue 3, includes articles taking new evolutionary perspectives on back pain and morality, along with a first-ever English translation of a classic paper by premier plant physiologist Julius Sachs in which, our authors argue in a separate essay, he prefigured the discovery of mRNA.


Biological Theory’s new March issue

The editors of BT summarize the March issue 18(1) , with links to free epdfs.


Biological Theory’s March issue is out

The editors summarize issue 19(1)—which includes a thematic section on “Concepts of Agency”—out this month, with free reading links for articles.


Biological Theory’s latest issue: 17(4) is out this month!

The December issue includes a provocative argument for the role of imagination in human cognition, along with new additions to our "Critical Concepts" and "Classics" collections — plus a heartfelt thank you to this year's referees.


Biological Theory’s June issue is out

Read the editors’ summary of the latest issue, with free reading links for all the articles in 19(2). The issue includes two articles that each discusses the implications for evolutionary theory of the ideas of an iconic philosopher, a critical evaluation of recent writings on agency, and an essay on a classic paper of T. C. Schneirla’s on behavior with a first-ever English translation of a live debate following its presentation.