The Genetic Basis of Animal Domestication: An Old Question, a New Approach
KLI Colloquium: Adam WILKINS (Humboldt University, Berlin), 26 November 2019, 5.00 pm.
The Extinction of Life: An Inquiry into Disease
KLI Colloquium: François PELLET (University of Münster), 11 July, 3.00 pm
The Evolutionary Connection between Human Salivary Amylase and Oral Starch Digestion from an Experimental Perspective
KLI Colloquium: Stephanie SCHNORR (KLI), 19 March, 4.00 pm
The Evolution of ‘Universal’ Human Mating Strategies: A Critique
Gillian BROWN (University of St. Andrews), 2023-06-15 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom
The Evolution of the Female Orgasm
KLI Colloquium: Mihaela PAVLICEV (University of Vienna), 10 March 2020, 5.00 pm
The Evolution of Social-Ecological Systems
KLI Colloquium: Tim WARING (University of Maine), 2 April, 5.00 pm
The Development and Evolution of Tiger Moth Wing Patterning
KLI Colloquium: Rick GAWNE (KLI), 21 June, 2018, 3.00 pm.
The December 2021 issue of Biological Theory is now out!
Featuring a section commemorating Richard Lewontin (1929-2021) and a tribute to Karen Neander (1954-2020).
The Convergent Evolution of Agriculture in Humans and Insects: the workshop behind the book
An interview with Richard Gawne and Ted R. Schultz digs into the origin story of their open access book: The Convergent Evolution of Agriculture in Humans and Insects (MIT Press).
The Conceptual Foundations of Evolution and Development
Benedikt HALLGRIMSSON (University of Calgary), 2023-06-22 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom
The biological potential of the endocranium to contribute to the peopling of South America debate.
A promising methodological strategy from virtual anthropology that would allow disentangling co-existing models to explain how the first humans arrived into the Americas.
The 40th Altenberg Workshop: Directionality in Genomics and Macroevolution
Recently, the KLI hosted the 40th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology entitled "Directionality in Genomics and Macroevolution", organised by Laura Nuno de la Rosa, Craig Lowe, Adi Livnat and Beckett Sterner.
The 39th Altenberg Workshop: Agency in Living Systems
The "Agency in Living Systems: Conceptual Frameworks and Research Approaches" Altenberg workshop was co-organized by Sonia Sultan and Armin Moczek as part of their "Agency in Living Systems" project.
The 2024 Spring-Summer Colloquium Series
Save the dates!! Here's announcing the 2024 Spring-Summer Colloquium Series
Our Spring-Summer colloquium series will feature our very own four post-docs of the 2022-2024 cohort – Laura Menatti, Hari Sridhar, Marina Knickel and Corey Bunce – along with talks by Brian McLoone (Department of Philosophy, Auburn University, USA), Jana Semrau (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany), Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany), Tudor Popescu (University of Padova, Italy), Juno Salazar Parreñas (Cornell University, USA), and Ievgeniia Ivanova (University of Stirling, UK). (Click on title to read more!!)
The 2022-23 Writing-up Fellows of the KLI
How do the fellows of the "Cognition and Knowledge" cohort navigate the intersecting domains of evolution, sustainability, and cognition?
The 2020 KLI Annual Report is Here!
Compiled each year by Isabella Sarto-Jackson, the KLI Annual Report is here.
Telling stories to make a difference: Anna Sundermann on Nachhaltigkeit Erzählen
We interviewed KLI fellow Anna Sundermann on the launch of a new book that investigates storytelling for sustainability communication.
Teleology in Biology: Questions and Issues from Development and Cancer
KLI Colloquium: Marta BERTOLASO (University of Rome) & María CEREZO (University of Murcia), 30 August, 2018, 3.00 pm
Sustainability—a complex challenge
Public Event to kick-off the KLI / Complexity Hub Workshop "Sustainability as a Problem of Complexity: Past, Present and Future of Sustainability Science in the Anthropocene" (12 –13 September 2019)
Sustainability Science as a Management Science: Beyond the Natural-Social Divide
VIRTUAL KLI COLLOQUIUM: Michiru NAGATSU (University of Helsinki), 29 May, 5.00 pm. [br]
To join our online colloquium please register with Zoom.