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Biological Theory’s new March issue

The editors of BT summarize the March issue 18(1) , with links to free epdfs.


Interview: Why matter matters when it comes to minds: a conversation with David Harrison

David Harrison talks about the core philosophical insights, the practical implications, and the motivations behind their new paper: “Mind the matter: Active matter, soft robotics, and the making of bio-inspired artificial intelligence.”


Research Blog: Parkinson’s disease, affordances, and networks

To better understand certain phenomena in brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Marco Treven argues that we need to look beyond the brain.


Kulturwandel in Krisenzeiten: praktische Weisheit für die Wissenschaft

Wie antike Philosophie mit nachhaltigen Lösungen zusammenhängt


Save the dates! Announcing the 2023 spring-summer colloquium series

The 2023 spring-summer KLI Colloquium series will resume in March, with a great line-up of speakers from the KLI and beyond.


The Making and Breaking of Minds. How social interactions shape the human mind

Isabella SARTO-JACKSON (KLI) 2023-03-09 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Videos from the University of Vienna Mendel200 project are now available!

Watch the eleven symposium videos and five Mendel stories on our Youtube channel.


Leo Bich to write Cambridge Elements book on Biological Organization

Visiting fellow Leo Bich has signed a book contract with Cambridge University Press to write about "Biological Organization."


New paper: Practical wisdom can inform the practice of sustainability researchers

New paper in Nature Sustainability by Caniglia et al. outlines a new role for practical wisdom and virtue ethics in knowledge co-production for transformative change.


Welcoming Sonia Sultan to the KLI

Sultan's project "Updating the Single Evolutionary Currency" will seek to resolve the role of genetic variation in adaptive evolution from an ecoevodevo perspective.


Towards a Philosophy of Techno-Science

Federica RUSSO (University of Amsterdam) 2023-01-19 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


Professional development at the KLI

Each winter, the KLI organizes a two-part professional development workshop for our fellows to get to know each other-- both as people and as researchers.


Our KLife Newsletters are now online!

PDF versions of our KLife Newsletters are now available for download.


The 2022-23 Writing-up Fellows of the KLI

How do the fellows of the "Cognition and Knowledge" cohort navigate the intersecting domains of evolution, sustainability, and cognition?


New reading group on Agents and Agency

This reading group is loosely but seriously centered around agency.


Biological Theory’s latest issue: 17(4) is out this month!

The December issue includes a provocative argument for the role of imagination in human cognition, along with new additions to our "Critical Concepts" and "Classics" collections — plus a heartfelt thank you to this year's referees.


Self-cognition with Sensorial Diversity

Roberto CAZZOLLA GATTI (University of Bologna) 2022-12-01 15:00 (CET). To join our colloquium please register with Zoom


All hands on deck – Transdisciplinary Approaches to Coping with Emerging Infectious Diseases

Orsolya BAJER-MOLNÁR (Medical University of Vienna), 6 December 2022, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


New reading group on Feminist STS at the Vienna Science Studies Lab

The Vienna Science Studies Lab is an intra-institution initiative revived this winter by the KLI, UPSalon UniVie, and the In/human project at CEU. A reading group on Feminist STS is the first event.


The Making and Breaking of Minds – how social interactions shape the human mind

Isabella SARTO-JACKSON (KLI), 9 March 2023, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.