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Philosophy of Biology
Brooks Daniel S.

The Role of Levels of Organization in Biological Thought

2015-10-01 - 2017-09-30

Sustainability Research
Brooks Daniel R.

The Evolutionary Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases

2021-11-17 - 2021-11-27

Brown Rachael

Understanding Behavioural Innovation, Novelty and Evolvability

2011-02-14 - 2011-07-13

Brown Gillian

Promoting a Progressive Vision of Evolutionary Science

2023-06-03 - 2023-07-21

Cognition and Sociality
Bryson Joanna J.

Factors Limiting the Evolution of Cultural Evolution

2007-08-14 - 2009-08-13

Cognition and Sociality
Bugnyar Thomas

Social Cognition in Ravens

2001-06-01 - 2001-08-31

Bunce Corey

Challenges in Narrative Structuring for Biology Research Reporting

2022-09-01 - 2024-09-30

Cognition and Sociality
Burkart Judith-Maria

The Theory of Mind Abilities in Marmoset Monkeys

2001-11-01 - 2003-07-31

Cognition and Sociality
Burnston Daniel

A Representational Toolkit for Explanatory Pluralism

2015-03-30 - 2015-08-08

Byrne Ruth

Lateral Asymmetries in Octopus Vulgaris

2002-01-01 - 2004-03-31

Philosophy of Biology
Calcott Brett

Biomorphs Upgraded: Modelling Facilitated Variation

2011-04-11 - 2011-11-10

Capdevila Javier

Characterization of the ´Minimum Developmental Set´ (MDS) Concept

2005-05-01 - 2006-12-31

Cognition and Sociality
Caporael Linnda

EvoDevo and Transversals in Human Social Cognition

2006-03-01 - 2006-06-30

Cognition and Sociality
Carls-Diamante Sidney

The Free Energy Principle: From Promises to Premises

2018-05-15 - 2020-05-14

Cazzolla Gatti Roberto

The Emergence and Evolution of Life

2019-09-02 - 2019-09-07