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Neanderthal feces on fire illuminates gut microbiome features

KLI fellow Stephanie Schnorr writes about her latest paper in Communications Biology.


Telling stories to make a difference: Anna Sundermann on Nachhaltigkeit Erzählen

We interviewed KLI fellow Anna Sundermann on the launch of a new book that investigates storytelling for sustainability communication.


Pregnant females as historical individuals: an insight from the philosophy of evo-devo

Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavlicev and Arantza Etxeberria propose a solution to the individuality of pregnancy.


Scientists’ responsibility for global futures

In a perspective piece for AAAS's Science and Diplomacy, scientific director Guido Caniglia and coauthors call for a new convention for science diplomacy.


Art-Science Performance: The Colony

Join us for a screening and discussion of the evo devo art science performance THE COLONY: 28 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join the virtual event please register with Zoom.


KLI fellow in The Economist! On making money from sewage in Kolkata

KLI alum Amitangshu Acharya and coauthor Sudipto Sanyal write about Kolkata's "Black Gold."


New fellow at the KLI: Luis Alejandro Villanueva Hernández

Welcoming Alejandro back as a postdoc fellow!


The Modern State and the Glass Ceiling for a Sustainability Transformation – a Systems Perspective

Daniel HAUSKNOST (Vienna University of Economics and Business), 21 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Why the Future Needs More Transdisciplinary Research and Universities: Theories, Competences, and Cases from the Field

Gerald STEINER (Donau University Krems), 14 January 2021, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


Josef Popper-Lynkeus, Otto Neurath, and the Other Austrian Economics: ontology, epistemology, facts, and values

KLI fellow and historian of economics Marco P. Vianna Franco investigates how resource flows and value-based judgements served as inputs to socially-inclusive economic plans


A mini-symposium of fellows

Every few months, we enable new research collaborations with a specially-designed mini-symposium.


The philosophical impact of cybernetics on Waddington’s processual epigenetics

KLI fellow Flavia Fabris argues that it was mainly Waddington’s cybernetics – rather than organicism – to lead the foundation for his subsequent novel scientific approach.


Diversity lost: COVID-19 as a phenomenon of the total environment

When fellows in isolation joined forces to write together, we witnessed the birth of an unprecedented institution-wide collaboration


Biological Theory at 15!

With its December issue, Biological Theory, the KLI's highly regarded journal, marks its 15th full year of publishing.


Wolves might be able to recognize themselves through an “olfactory mirror”

KLI fellow Roberto Cazzolla Gatti and colleagues applied the sniff-test for self-recognition to captive grew wolves and found likely signs of self-recognition.


Multi-isotopic and morphometric evidence for the migration of farmers leading up to the Inka conquest of the southern Andes

KLI fellow Lumila Paula Menéndez and colleagues show a migration pulse preceding the Inka expansion from a northern maize-farming population that would have been part of a widespread period of change in settlement patterns, population movements, and social identities.


Investigation of the History and Philosophy of Cybernetics in Biology, Yields More Than Just a Theory of Machines

Flavia FABRIS (KLI), 10 December 2020, 3.00 pm. To join our colloquium please register with Zoom.


COVID-19 und andere Pandemien entstehen durch negative menschliche Einflüsse auf die Diversität der gesamten Umwelt

Globaler Diversitätsverlust im biologischen, anthropologischen und geologischen Bereich begünstigt die Entstehung von Zoonosen, fanden KLI Forscher*innen heraus


COVID-19 and other pandemics are the effects of our negative impact on the diversity of the total environment

Loss of diversity in biological, anthropological and geological global spheres enhances the emergence of zoonoses.