Ruttenberg, Alan and Rees, Jonathan A. and Samwald, Matthias and Marshall, M. Scott
Life sciences on the Semantic Web: the Neurocommons and beyond
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics
Samwald, Matthias and Lim, Ernest and Masiar, Peter and Marenco, Luis and Chen, Huajun and Morse, Thomas and Mutalik, Pradeep and Shepherd, Gordon and Miller, Perry and Cheung, Kei-Hoi
Entrez Neuron RDFa: A Pragmatic Semantic Web Application for Data Integration in Neuroscience Research
IOS Press, 2009
Rosas, Alejandro
Samir Okasha, Evolution and the Levels of Selection. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2006
Rosas, Alejandro
Comment on: Why Do Men Hunt? A Reevaluation of “Man the Hunter” and the Sexual Division of Labor, by Michael Gurven and Kim Hill, 2009
Range, Friederike and Heucke, Silke L. and Gruber, Christina and Konz, Astrid and Huber, Ludwig and Virányi, Zsófia
The effect of ostensive cues on dogs' performance in a manipulative social learning task
Range, Friederike and Horn, Lisa and Virányi, Zsófia and Huber, Ludwig
Effort and reward: inequity aversion in domestic dogs?
Range, Friederike and Horn, Lisa and Virányi, Zsófia and Huber, Ludwig
The absence of reward induces inequity aversion in dogs
Passant, Alexandre and Samwald, Matthias and Breslin, John and Decker, Stefan
Federating distributed social data to build an interlinked online information society
WebScience Trust, 2009
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
O'Brien, Michael J. and Shennan, Stephen J.
Innovation in Cultural Systems. Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology
MIT Press, 2009
Mitteroecker, Philipp and Bookstein, Fred L.
Examining modularity via partial correlations: A rejoinder to a comment by Paul Magwene
Mitteroecker, Philipp and Huttegger, Simon M.
The concept of morphospaces in evolutionary and developmental biology: Mathematics and Metaphors
Mitteroecker, Philipp and Bookstein, Fred
The ontogenetic trajectory of the phenotypic covariance matrix, with examples from craniofacial shape in rats and humans
Mitteroecker, Philipp
The developmental basis of variational modularity: Insights from quantitative genetics, morphometrics, and developmental biology
Mata, Rui and Wilke, Andreas and Czienskowski, Uwe
Cognitive aging and adaptive foraging behavior
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Krohs, Ulrich and Kroes, Peter
Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds. Comparative Philosophical Perspectives
MIT Press, 2009
Huber, Ludwig and Range, Friederike and Voelkl, Bernhard and Szucsich, Andrea and Virányi, Zsófia and Miklosi, Adam
The evolution of imitation: what do the capacities of non-human animals tell us about the mechanisms of imitation?
Gunz, Philipp and Bookstein, Fred L. and Mitteroecker, Philipp and Stadlmayr, Andrea and Seidler, Horst and Weber, Gerhard W.
Early modern human diversity suggests subdivided population structure and a complex out-of-Africa scenario
Gunz, Philipp and Mitteroecker, Philipp and Neubauer, Simon and Weber, Gerhard W. and Bookstein, Fred L.
Principles for the virtual reconstruction of hominin crania
Heintz, Christophe and Claidiere, Nicolas
Types de Darwinismes dans les sciences de la culture
Editions Syllepse, 2009
Denney, Christine and Batchelor, Colin and Bodenreider, Olivier and Cheng, Sam and Hart, John and Hill, Jon and Madden, John and Musen, Mark and Pichler, Elgar and Samwald, Matthias and Szalma, Sándor and Schriml, Lynn and Sedlock, David and Soldatova, Larisa and Sonoda, Koji and Statham, David and Stephens, Susie and Whetzel, Patricia L. and Wu, Elizabeth
Creating a translational medicine ontology
Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Frost, H. Robert and Marshall, M. Scott and Prud'hommeaux, Eric and Samwald, Matthias and Zhao, Jun and Paschke, Adrian
A journey to semantic web query federation in the life sciences
Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Lim, Ernest and Samwald, Matthias and Chen, Huajun and Marenco, Luis and Holford, Matthew E. and Morse, Thomas M. and Mutalik, Pradeep and Shepherd, Gordon M. and Miller, Perry L.
Approaches to neuroscience data integration
Callebaut, Werner
Multi-scale phenomena in biology and scientific perspectivism
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2009
Bryson, Joanna J.
Crude, cheesy, second-rate consciousness
The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour, 2009
Bryson, Joanna J.
Age-related inhibition and learning effects: evidence from transitive performance
Cognitive Science Society, 2009
Bryson, Joanna J.
Information dissemination as an explanation of troop-level aggregation in fission-fusion species with varied party composition
Bryson, Joanna J. and Tanguy, Emmanuel
Simplifying the design of human-like behaviour: Emotions as durative dynamic state for action selection
AIP [American Institute of Physics] Conference Proceedings
Sinclair, Robert M. and Stiefel, Klaus M.
Multiscale Phenomena in Biology. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Mathematics and Biology, Okinawa, Japan, 4-6 November 2008
American Institute of Physics, 2009
Rasskin-Gutman, Diego and De Renzi, Miquel
Pere Alberch: The Creative Trajectory of an Evo-Devo Biologist
Universitat de València, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2009
Bryson, Joanna J.
Building persons is a choice. Commentary on Anne Foerst, „Robots and Theology“
Verpooten, Jan and Nelissen, Mark
Sensory exploitation and cultural transmission: The late emergence of iconic representations in human evolution
Scheuring, István
Coevolution of honest signaling and cooperative norms by cultural group selection
Samwald, Matthias and Chen, Huajun and Ruttenberg, Alan and Lim, Ernest and Marenco, Luis and Miller, Perry and Shepherd, Gordon and Cheung, Kei-Hoi
Semantic SenseLab: Implementing the vision of the Semantic Web in neuroscience
Rosas, Alejandro
Evolutionary game theory meets social science: Is there a unifying rule for human cooperation?
Rosas, Alejandro
Beyond inclusive fitness? On a simple and general explanation for the evolution of Altruism
Pigliucci, Massimo and Müller, Gerd B.
Foreword to Evolution: The Modern Synthesis; The definitive edition
MIT Press, 2010
Pigliucci, Massimo and Müller, Gerd B.
Elements of an extended evolutionary synthesis
MIT Press, 2010
Olsson, Lennart and Levit, Georgy S. and Hoßfeld, Uwe
Evolutionary developmental biology: Its concepts and history with a focus on Russian and German contributions
Oller, D. K. and Niyogi, P. and Gray, S. and Richards, J. A. and Gilkerson, J. and Xu, D. and Yapanel, U. and Warren, S. F.
Automated vocal analysis of naturalistic recordings from children with autism, language delay, and typical development
Méthot, Pierre-Olivier and MacLeod, Miles and Bauer, Susanne and Gross, Fridolin and Nicoglou, Antonine
Meeting disciplinary boundaries: Towards a more inclusive philosophy of the life sciences
Maienschein, Jane and Laubichler, Manfred
The Embryo Project: An integrated approach to history, practices, and social contexts of embryo research
Laubichler, Manfred D. and Callebaut, Werner
The Moody's virus attacks the U.S. National Security Board [Editorial]
Kun, Ádám and Boza, Gergely and Scheuring, István
Cooperators Unite! Assortative linking promotes cooperation particularly for medium sized associations
Krohs, Ulrich
Dys-, mal- et non-: l' autre face de la fonctionnalité
Presses Universitaires de France, 2010
Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association
Krohs, Ulrich
Epistemic consequences of two different strategies for decomposing biological networks
Springer, 2010
Khalil, Elias L.
The Bayesian fallacy: Distinguishing internal motivations and religious beliefs from other beliefs
Joye, Yannicke and Verpooten, Jan
Architectuur als spiegel van de menselijke natuur: het verklarende en creatieve potentieel van de evolutietheorie voor architectuur
Dumontier, Michel and Andersson, Bosse and Batchelor, Colin and Denney, Christine and Domarew, Christopher and Jentzsch, Anja and Luciano, Joanne and Pichler, Elgar and Prud’hommeaux, Eric and Whetzel, Patricia and Bodenreider, Olivier and Clark, Tim and Harland, Lee and Kashyap, Vipul and Kos, Peter and Kozlovsky, Julia and McGurk, James and Ogbuji, Chimezie and Samwald, Matthias and Schriml, Lynn and Tonellato, Peter J. and Zhao, Jun and Stephens, Susie
The Translational Medicine Ontology: Driving personalized medicine by bridging the gap from bedside to bench
Demir, Emek and Cary, Michael P. and Paley, Suzanne and Fukuda, Ken and Lemer, Christian and Vastrik, Imre and Wu, Guanming and D'Eustachio, Peter and Schaefer, Carl and Luciano, Joanne and Schacherer, Frank and Martinez-Flores, Irma and Hu, Zhenjun and Jimenez-Jacinto, Veronica and Joshi-Tope, Geeta and Kandasamy, Kumaran and Lopez-Fuentes, Alejandra C. and Mi, Huaiyu and Pichler, Elgar and Rodchenkov, Igor and Splendiani, Andrea and Tkachev, Sasha and Zucker, Jeremy and Gopinath, Gopal and Rajasimha, Harsha and Ramakrishnan, Ranjani and Shah, Imran and Syed, Mustafa and Anwar, Nadia and Babur, Ozgun and Blinov, Michael and Brauner, Erik and Corwin, Dan and Donaldson, Sylva and Gibbons, Frank and Goldberg, Robert and Hornbeck, Peter and Luna, Augustin and Murray-Rust, Peter and Neumann, Eric and Reubenacker, Oliver and Samwald, Matthias and van Iersel, Martijn and Wimalaratne, Sarala and Allen, Keith and Braun, Burk and Whirl-Carrillo, Michelle and Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Dahlquist, Kam a
The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing
Cheung, Kei-Hoi and Samwald, Matthias and Auerbach, Raymond K. and Gerstein, Mark B.
Structured digital tables on the Semantic Web: Toward a structured digital literature
La Filosofía la Ciencia
Callebaut, Werner and Hernández Chávez, P.
Epistemología naturalizada. Una visión panorámica
Siglo XXI Editores en coedición con la Asociación Filosófica de México, 2010
Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association
Callebaut, Werner
Contingency and inherency in evolutionary developmental biology
Springer, 2010
Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
Callebaut, Werner
Innovation from EvoDevo to culture
MIT Press, 2010
Callebaut, Werner
The dialectics of dis/unity in the Evolutionary Synthesis and its extensions
MIT Press, 2010
Zhu, Jianfeng and Zhang, Yong-Tao and Alber, Mark S. and Newman, Stuart A.
Bare bones pattern formation: A core regulatory network in varying geometries reproduces major features of vertebrate limb development and evolution
Wagner, Johanna and Szipl, Georgine and Schwab, Christine
Successfully Releasing Jackdaws, Corvus monedula: Spatial Dispersion and the Fusion of Social Groups
von Helversen, Bettina and Wilke, Andreas and Johnson, Tim and Schmid, Gabriele and Klapp, Burghard
Performance benefits of depression: Sequential decision making in a healthy sample and a clinically depressed sample
Voelkl, Bernhard and Kasper, Claudia and Schwab, Christine
Network measures for dyadic interactions: Stability and reliability
Verpooten, Jan
Kunst en het evolutionaire proces: het belang van spandrels en exaptaties [Art and the Evolutionary Process: the Importance of Spandrels and Exaptations]
Verpooten, Jan
Evolutie van fictie: culturele exaptatie van sociale cognitie
Stichting Lezen Nederland, 2011
Verpooten, Jan
Why art is not an adaptation but nonetheless a necessary outcome of evolution
Demian Press, 2011
Sutton, John and McIlwain, Doris and Christensen, Wayne D. and Geeves, Andrew
Applying intelligence to the reflexes: Embodied skills and habits between Dreyfus and Descartes
Steps, Marco and Hoßfeld, Uwe and Olsson, Lennart and Levit, Georgy S. and Simunek, Michal
Wilhelm Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology 1894-2004. An author index, introductory essays and classical papers
Scheibehenne, Benjamin and Wilke, Andreas and Todd, Peter M.
Expectations of clumpy resources influence predictions of sequential events
Schmidt, Jennifer and Schuff, Maximilian and Olsson, Lennart
A role for FoxN3 in the development of cranial cartilages and muscles in Xenopus laevis (Amphibia: Anura: Pipidae) with special emphasis on the novel rostral cartilages
Rosas, Alejandro
Ética Evolucionista: o enfoque adaptacionista da cooperacao humana
Artmed Editora, 2011
Rosas, Alejandro
El proyecto de explicación darwinista del comportamiento moral
Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos, 2011
Rigosi, Elisa and Frasnelli, Elisa and Vinegoni, Claudio and Antolini, Renzo and Anfora, Gianfranco and Vallortigara, Giorgio and Haase, Albrecht
Searching for anatomical correlates of olfactory lateralization in the honeybee antennal lobes: a morphological and behavioural study
Piekarski, Nadine and Olsson, Lennart
A somitic contribution to the pectoral girdle in the axolotl revealed by long-term fate mapping
Nicholson, Daniel J.
Review of ‘Genesis Redux: Essays in the History and Philosophy of Artificial Life‘.
Metscher, Brian and Müller, Gerd B.
MicroCT for Molecular Imaging: Quantitative Visualization of Complete Three-Dimensional Distributions of Gene Products in Embryonic Limbs
MacLeod, Miles
How to Compare Homology Concepts: Class Reasoning about Evolution and Morphology in Phylogenetics and Developmental Biology
Kis, Anna and Gacsi, Marta and Range, Friederike and Viranyi, Zsofia
Object Permanence in Adult Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus): Not Everything is an ‘A-not-B' Error that Seems to be One
Krakauer, David C. and Collins, James P. and Erwin, Douglas and Flack, Jessica C. and Fontana, Walter and Laubichler, Manfred D. and Prohaska, Sonja J. and West, Geoffrey B. and Stadler, Peter F.
The challenges and scope of theoretical biology
Gómez-Robles, Aida and Olejniczak, Anthony J. and Prado-Simón, Leyre and Bermúdez De Castro, José Maria
Evolutionary novelties and losses in geometric morphometrics: A practical approach through hominin molar morphology