Social Selection and the Evolutionary Origins of the Human Face
KLI Lab: Adam WILKINS (Humboldt University, Berlin), 27 November, 12.00 pm.
The Genetic Basis of Animal Domestication: An Old Question, a New Approach
KLI Colloquium: Adam WILKINS (Humboldt University, Berlin), 26 November 2019, 5.00 pm.
Movie: Flavia FABRIS | Rethinking the Role of Cybernetics in Theoretical Biology
Largely unnoticed, we live in a cybernetic era where automated systems are part of everyday life. In this video, Dr Flavia Fabris, explains the main ideas of her research on the contribution of cybernetics to the development of contemporary biology.
Craniofacial Adaptation to High Latitudes in Modern and Paleolithic Hominins
KLI Colloquium: Andrej EVTEEV (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow), 19 November, 5.00 pm.
Movie: Ivan GONZALEZ-CABRERA | I Beg to Differ: Cooperating with Others Despite
What makes cooperation peaceful and stable? Understanding how we disagree about norms is crucial to overcoming the challenges we face in culturally diverse societies.
Can We Understand an Insect Society, and Why Should We Care?
KLI Colloquium: Raghavendra GADAGKAR (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), 14 November 2019, 5.00 pm
Movie: Daniel J. NICHOLSON | Rethinking the Nature of the Organism
What makes organisms different from other complex organized systems like machines?" KLI postdoctoral fellow Daniel Nicholson discusses the ontology of living systems, how they differ from other complex systems, and what implications these differences have for biological theory.
Vernissage: Federzeichnungen
Friday 8 November, 5.00 pm: Vernissage of Gerhard Papp´s pen drawings.
Movie: Lumila MENÉNDEZ | Ten Thousand Years of Cranial Evolution in South America
"Why are humans so diverse? How do we evolve as a species?" KLI postdoc fellow anthropologist Lumila Menéndez talks about 10,000 Years of Cranial Evolution in SouthAmerica in 1.5 minutes!
Movie: Luis Alejandro VILLANUEVA | The Origins of Music
"When and where did music start?"
Watch... and listen!... to KLI alum & guest researcher Alejandro Villanueva talk about his work on the cognitive origins of music and the roles they play in social interactions.
The Influence of Demography and Evolution on Caesarean Section Rates
KLI Colloquium: Barbara FISCHER (KLI), 29 October 2019, 3.00 pm
Movie: Barbara FISCHER | Evolution of the Human Pelvis and Childbirth
"Why is birth so difficult in humans and why has evolution not resolved this obstetric dilemma?"
KLI postdoctoral fellow Barbara Fischer talks about evolutionary constraints and childbirth.
New book of the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
'Convergent Evolution on Earth. Lessons for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life' by George R McGhee Jr.
An analysis of patterns of convergent evolution on Earth that suggests where we might look for similar convergent forms on other planets.
New book of the Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology
'Evolutionary Causation' edited by Tobias Uller & Kevin N. Laland.
A comprehensive treatment of the concept of causation in evolutionary biology that makes clear its central role in both historical and contemporary debates.
Evolution, Umwelten, and the Possibility of Planetary Aesthetics
KLI Colloquium: Andrew S. YANG (Chicago Art Institute), 21 October 2019, 5.00 pm
Demography and Cultural Complexity
KLI Colloquium: Kim STERELNY (Australian National University, Canberra), 15 October 2019, 5.00 pm
Movie: Christian Dorninger | Sustainable Biophysical Human-Nature Connectedness
"When you eat your daily meal do you ever ask yourself, where do the ingredients come from?"
KLI fellow Christian Dorninger works on the biophysical and mental connectedness between humans and nature, with implications for sustainability studies.
Timewalk in the Anthropocene
Pictorial memories of an event organized by the Globart Academy & KLI. A journey through different periods that surround us in the anthropocene.
Schrödinger’s What is Life? 75 Years On
KLI "Current Research Talk" by Daniel NICHOLSON (KLI): 8 October 2019, 5.00 pm
Movie: Gregory Rupik | Goethe, Organisms, and Biology Today
"What if I told you that 19th century poet & playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has something important to contribute to biology today?"
KLI Alum (IHPST, University of Toronto) introduces us to an organism-centric philosophy of biology.